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i have a realy strange problem with my Gainward GTX 570 Phantom. When i start my hackintosh i have very low frames in different benchmarks like OpenGL Extension Viewer, Cinebench. Even the launchpad is glitchy.


The strange thing is if the monitor goes into sleep mode and comes back out, everything works perfect. Then each benchmark runs as it should.


THIS WORKS ONLY WITH smbios.plist Mac Pro3.1 from ######. With all other smbios.plist Versions nothing happens after the monitor suspend. Always low frames an lags every minute or so.


My specs:


Board: asRock z68 pro3

CPU: i5-2500k

GFX: Gainward GTX 570 Phantom


I have captured my screen with my smartphone, so you can see what i mean.




I hope someone can help




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i have a realy strange problem with my Gainward GTX 570 Phantom. When i start my hackintosh i have very low frames in different benchmarks like OpenGL Extension Viewer, Cinebench. Even the launchpad is glitchy.


Delete the AppleGraphicsPowerManagement.kext and rebuild caches

Have the same problem, even with custom agpm or with deleted agpm.kext.

Maybe the custom pcb or the frequencies are a problem.

Try these drivers: http://www.nvidia.com/object/macosx-270.00.00f01-driver.html


-no need to add ids

- around 5k fps before sleep cycle and after around 7 k fps with opengl 2.x

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