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if you would try some OpenCL Benchmarks, like OceanWave it would be fine.

I get not the correct OpenCL result with 10.8 DP1 + Nvidia 9600GT in OceanWave.

Also Luxmark works but not correct results.


For an first test you can use OceanWave:



Nvidia 9600 GT = 89 fps



DL: OceanWave ML (10.8 only!)


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Thats not good and and other problem you find out.

To be more easy , please try the small OCLinfo tool ( in terminal), should show at least 2 OpenCL devices : 1 CPU and 1 GPU. If only 1 CPU is shown,

OpenCL on GPU wont work at all. That problem is different to my problem with wrong screen drawings.


OK, that (OCLinfo log) shows that OpenCL is available but in usage (OpenCL code) it fails with an error.

Apple will fix that soon / in next DPs i think. AMD made much more problems as Nvidia in the past with OpenCL, but Apple always fixed that later.

I also found out that, many changes in th eOpenGL API maybe the reason for the display glitches (running OceanWave on my Nvidia), so its not only an OpenCL problem, main prob was OpenGL which i get fixed by recompling unetr Xcode 4.4 & 10.8 SDK. Will upload soon an 10.8 Version of OcenWace - but that will not help in case of your OpenCL initilize error.

so it's just that we can't test it but openCL is working, right?

No - you can test it but it may fail even its enabled. OpenCL Enabled doesnt mean the newer 10.8 DP1 OpenCL drivers work correct.

Also it may - in this stage of Dev Preview be very dependend from gpu type + gpu vendor.

For example the new OceanWave ML (10.8) Version works on my 9600 GT, on an GTX 460 (listed OK in OCLinfo) not, fails in OpenCL init section.

DL; first post

Even if the OCLInfo tool - also OpenCL code works, it may happen than more complex OpenCL code may fail - like in OceanWave.

Maybe an bug in OpenCL or OceanWave may need code changes (from Apple) in deep.

because Luxmark also make some problems it think OpenCL App need some code changes.

Have someone else tried LuxMark V2.0 ?

I would recommend, because we know OceanWave make much probs, to try Luxmark V2.

Please compare the display of the scenes preview between gpu only and gpu + cpu. Should look 100% similar, otherwise, if the look very different, problem (like me).


Yep, even if you dondt get Init or Build errors , like me, Luxmark will fail running 10.8

cmf investigated:

opencl works ootb on fermi , but apple seems to have removed the sm_20 code and hard setting it to 1.2 or 1.3 won't work either

MEANS: luxmark and all other programs that want to use more complex opencl stuff (like local memory atomics) will fail.

Thats the reason why less complex Code, like OCLInfo worked without any problem.

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