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Hello, i'm portuguese, sorry my english.


As a friend over there suggested to i install snow leopard, retail version on my own computer.

I already have retail version, on my external disk, with image mounted with transmac, now in windows i can't see my own disk, i think that is working so.


I have nawcom mod cd burned in a cd and i already did the boot, in the right way i thing (bios,in ahci, something like that), my partition is unformatted, i have no partition created only free space, so i think that's ok to start working.


So i'm in the screen when nawcom tells to change cd's and press f5, the only problem is, that i want to boot from external disk and not cd, because i don't have any dual layer dvd's.


So if that's possible tell me the commant to boot from external disk i already searched in google and i can't find any usefull information.


I'm awaiting for a awanser, it's very important to me, because i need my computer in two days, my holidays.

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You would use the ModCD's sister, the ModUSB. You can install it from Mac OS or Linux, but it's a LOT easier to install it from Mac. Do you have access to a Mac?

It is possible in Linux. If you use a dual-layer DVD, it is possible from Windows (because you can use the ModCD).


I'll find the link to the installation guide and get back to you. :)


Today is the day, i already have modcd burned in a cd and working.

I already did edit the bios settings, and already booted from cd.


Only i didn't burn my snow leopard in a dvd, today i bought a 8.5 gb dual layer dvd, and can anyone tell me if nero can burn .dmg files? or transmac?


And can i format my partition, in hfs+ with linux boot? will it work or can i do it when installing.

UltraISO can burn dmg files.


You format your partition in the OS X installer. I describe how in my guide.

I can burn with astroburn lite and deamon tools.

I did burn it yesterday, booted in nawcom modcd, changed the dvd, and i press f5 twice, and the computer did nothing, now it reads normal dvd's and cd's but nawcom and snow leopard dvd's he can't boot from theme, but they work in other computers.


Any suggestion? now i'm using linux, but i really want to try mac.

Reburn the ModCD at the lowest speed. If it still doesn't work, reburn the Snow Leopard DVD at the slowest speed.

If you're using Ubuntu, check to see if there is a dmg burner available from their app center (or whatever it's called). Otherwise you could install Windows in VirtualBox, unless, of course, you don't mind installing Windows over Linux.


If I were you, I would reinstall Windows (over the Linux partition), reinstall Linux, but choose to install alongside another operating system rather than replace it.

Now i did boot from nawcom normaly, changed for dvd and something "cannot boot from device", after that i restart, and try to boot to modcd and nothing.


I will burn a new snow leopard dvd, but i don't know if it will work.


If you're using Ubuntu, check to see if there is a dmg burner available from their app center (or whatever it's called). Otherwise you could install Windows in VirtualBox, unless, of course, you don't mind installing Windows over Linux.


If I were you, I would reinstall Windows (over the Linux partition), reinstall Linux, but choose to install alongside another operating system rather than replace it.

Nop i will try to burn a new copy and will try to boot from them, if it work i will install mac, if now i will keep ubunto, and try to work with it....if nawcom+snow leopard don't work today i will forget the damn thing, too many time wasting, downloading, burning, trying to install.


For the last time, i will burn another copy and try...


I will try, will reply to this thread.

ps - just 1 minute ago i did the boot with nawcom, and changed the disk and nothing (maybe bad dvd of snow leopard), now then i boot from nawcom nothing, it boots from hd itself... will wait one hour, any suggestion?

See if the following makes sense:


Em relação a sua mensagem pessoal, você pode precisar instalar um novo DVD. Se você puder, tome um vídeo do que está acontecendo e postar o linkaqui.

Existe a all2iso freeware. Faça o download, descompactá-lo, arreste a pasta bin para o seu Desktop, mova o dmg dentro da pasta bin, abra o Terminal e digite:


cd ~/Desktop/bin


./dmg2iso [nome do dmg].dmg [nome do novo iso].iso


Que deve ter converter o arquivo para uma ISO. De lá, você provavelmente pode usar construido em um utilitário para gravar a ISO em um DVD.




There is the freeware all2iso. Download it, unzip it, drag the bin folder onto your desktop, move the dmg inside the bin folder, open Terminal, and type:


cd ~/Desktop/bin


./dmg2iso [name of dmg].dmg [name of new iso].iso


That should take convert the file to an ISO. From there you can probably use a built in utility to burn the ISO to a DVD.

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