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ive downloaded a few Os x86 images and non seem to work. I finally got close when i tried to install a snow leapord 10.6.8 and as it was installing it went to a blank screen. and nothing happens. Yes i know i have a old pc so im doing this for fun and trial and error.


so far im running on Win7 proffessional

Hp a250n


p4 3.2Ghz

160gb IDE

x1650 ati graphics card



any suggestions?!?!

P4 has SSE2 features which is the most important thing for OSX. SSE3 is better, but custom kernels can deal with this.


Tiger 10.4.8 - 10.4.11 with vanilla or slightly modded Apple Kernel , old but very quick.


Leopard 10.5.x and Snow 10.6.x ( 32bit mode only ; arch=i386 ) with a custom kernel


leopard needs 512MB ram ( 1GB better ) - Sow needs 1GB ( 2GB better ) -- these two beasts are far more ressourcehungry, although Snow is faster then Leo and for Intels the best solution because it is optimized for Intels only.


Lion 10.7.x is impossible as it is compiled for x64 CPUs only and this is only fun with 4GB or even 8 GB


So look for a custom boot disk either Leo or Snow with a custom kernel. Search for users "Nawcom" or "Andy vanDyck" here or via google , both have done these kernels for all the OSX versions which run on almost any processors. I had long times Tiger and Leo on AMD K8 single core 1,5GhZ which is comparable to P4's features and it worked nice.

You use a boot CD that has a patched kernel on it. Try Nawcom's ModCD.

Great, thanks! I've now made huge progress because I've actually made it to the installer. To think, on my proper PC I can just stick in any bootloader I want and install straight away, pretty much. :(


Anyway, an odd issue's occuring - when I select my language and accept the agreement, and the bar at the top appears, I need to open disk utility to format the drive. But when I click on any of the menus at the top, they appear for a fraction of a second and then go. I can't get them to open properly so I can select disk utility. :(


EDIT: I booted with GraphicsEnabler=No and -x and it worked properly - it's now installing! :D

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