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I think I've found a bug. It keeps popping up and it's really annoying me.


When I use the quick reply box at the bottom of each thread/topic I keep geeing HTML formatting visible in my post. I then have to edit it to remove the formatting.


I think this happens when you only click once into the reply box and start typing. Realise that you're typing into nothing and click again into the reply box again to bring up the cursor and continue to type.

(Rather than clicking into the reply box twice to bring up the cursor/insertion point marker (flashing |)).


Could someone confirm this?



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@JamesLittler: Is it possible that this could be the problem http://padawan.info/en/2011/03/wtf-is-this-myeventwatcherdiv-doing-in-my-web.html ? We don't allow members to post HTML content so if a plugin was inserting this content it wouldn't save.


@verdant: I'm not sure what the issue is with that one



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