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No usb after sleep


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I have 10.4.6 HOTISO installed on a Dell Inspiron 2200 with GMA 900. I have gotten my comp to work with the paper clip method so that it thinks there is an external monitor. I can also close the lid and put it to sleep. Sleep works perfect. The screen comes back on my laptop's LCD and internet and everything still works. The only problem is that after I put it to sleep the USB ports no longer work until I reboot. Thanks in advance.

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Try the fix listed at the top of the hardware forum for USB - it might jsut work. However it has been known for this to occur in other OSes. Sometimes the USB just doesn't want to re enable it self after waking up, it may be a high current drawing device is causing it.

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Glad to know that it's not just us having this problem. It's a problem having to reboot after sleep to get USB working again. Also, my sound goes funky after sleeping, but that's more livable.


The USB power seems to work, because the light on my flash drive comes on, but OSx86 isn't seeing it nor mounting it..

Edited by Taibhse
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