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[DSDT-Request, donation] ThinkPad W520


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im from germany so sry for my (maybe) bad english. I get Lion 10.7.2 to work on my ThinkPad W520 i really hope someone can help me with my DSDT now.

I extracted the file from Windows with DSDT-Editor from insanelymac.com. If you need any information about my system just let me know.


I tried a lot of things to get it to work and it took me 2 Weeks to get Lion installed so i hope i get a working system at the end with the dsdt icon_e_smile.gif.


ThinkPad W520 NY424GE


- with 16GB Ram

- 120GB OCZ Vertex Turbo


My CPU- Performance (i7-2720) is the main problem. Under Windows i get around 5,2 in Cinebench and in OS X only 4,2. Maybe a problem with Speedstep or Turboboost? I tried diffrent Benchmarks but nothing changed. In my BIOS-Settings everything is enabled for my CPU.


If i get it to work i will donate for your hard work! ;)


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I tried it myself with DSDT Editor and Patcher and added the Speedstep Patch but i get 2 Errors:


29 Error syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_NAMESEG, expecting ',' or '}'




95 Error syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_PROCESSOR, expecting $end


I really dont know what to do ... i hope you can help me ;)


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I'm no programmer but it seems you are missing a "}" somewhere and a " $end"


These will usually be by what is having problems with it. Ex.


PARSEOP_NAMESEG, expecting ',' or '}' = line or argument PARSEOP_NAMESEG wants a comma or a "}" some where on its line


PARSEOP_PROCESSOR, expecting $end = Which means PARSEOP_PROCESSOR wants a $end.

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Thanks for your reply.


I tried it, but same errors...


I don't think its a big problem to solve and like i said i will donate for your help.

I hope someone can make me the dsdt.aml without errors.

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I tried it with Chimera and added


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">

<plist version="1.0">




<key>Kernel Flags</key>

<string>arch=i386 npci=0x2000</string>





<key>Legacy Logo</key>











I also had to delete AppleTyMCEDriver.kext to boot or i get a KernelPanic.


in the org.chameleon.boot.plist but i still get very low CPU-Benchmarks ...


With Chameleon (your link) i get the Apple logo with the spinning circle and stuck :/

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