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OS doesn't automount USB Devices (Kalyway 5.2) - Kernel Trap using fixes


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I'm a true n00b when it comes to OSX86, at least that's what I've found out, but I did manage to install Kalyway 5.2 onto my old AMD PC. Everything works nicely, even the sound. Everything, except for the USB.


The USB does work, and it does recognize devices, BUT it doesn't mount them or actually reads them. And I know what the problem is. It appears Kalyway's System.kext is 9.2.2, while my kernel is 9.2.0.


The fix for this is pretty easy: Replace the System.kext with the 9.2.0 and set permissions... Yeah, that should work. But it doesn't, it only makes it worse. It causes a kernel trap at boot because of my mainboard, which is an nForce 3-A.

The reason I chose Kalyway is because it was the ONLY one that worked with my computer, the others caused the same kernel trap before the installer could even pop up.


Is there another way to fix this?




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Try Hazard. I have been using it on my amd for about a month with no issues. I have done the 10.6.8 update that is posted on their forum. The only issue I had was with a samba share that was easily fixed.



I forgot to mention. On the initial install. I had to install the forcedeath lan drivers. Other then that everything went smoothly.

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Try Hazard. I have been using it on my amd for about a month with no issues. I have done the 10.6.8 update that is posted on their forum. The only issue I had was with a samba share that was easily fixed.



I forgot to mention. On the initial install. I had to install the forcedeath lan drivers. Other then that everything went smoothly.

I found it out myself. I had to remove the AppleNForceATA kext out of my extension folder.

So everything's okay now.


Next thing I have to do is getting another graphics card. Turns out the Radeon 9200 isn't supported by any distro. I can get my hands on a GeForce 6200LE. Is that a nice choice?

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