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MAC OS DISK UTILITY i have a query plz help


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I have a hard drive in the system with 10 gig of it as storage for windows with a NTFS partition. The same hard drive has 10 gig of unpartitioned space aswell.


I wish to use this unused space as a partition for osX86, will MAC OS disk utility create a mac partition without touching the NTFS partition, or will it erase it? I have to ask because ive got all my work and music files etc on this partition, and i dont want to risk losing it.


Basically my second hard drive already has half of it taken with a NTFS partition with loads of stuff i need to keep, and i just want to be sure that if i format using MAC DISK UTILITY it doesnt affect the NTFS partition, because when i went into disk utility it just says 1 partition which seems to cover the whole disk drive.


Sorry im not very good at wording what im trying to say lol, I hope someone understands what im getting at :) any help will be appreciated




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Yes, it will break your PC/Intel/DOS partition table, Apple uses it's own. You won't be able to read your NTFS partition if you use the OS X Disk utility.


I've done that and have been trying to recover correct partition table with my NTFS data for 15 hours (with luck, after all - Active partition recovery 3.0 BOOTCD, if anyone has the same problem)


please read here, that's what you need to do:



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