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Laptop : AMD Turion64 x2 (Dual Core) 1.6ghz / 10.4.6 OSX PROBLEMS


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Hey all, I am new to this whole mac installation on PCs thing... but I figured there was enough documentation out there, and there was a guide to install on AMD systems for 10.4.6 on the WIKI... so I went for it. Paritioning went fine, no FUBAR... Booted to HOTiSO release DVD for 10.4.6, formatted the partition for OSX, installed it, rebooted, added OSX to Win XP MCE boot menu... rebooted, selected... and then it didn't boot to OSX. Had a bunch of code from Darwin spit onto the screen, but eventually came to a halt, saying the Kernel had paniced, I believe.


I copied over the other kernel on the install DVD as per instructions found on the wiki article (even though my processor is DEFINATELY SSE3 capable, it's an AMD, so...)... and that seemed to change how it loaded, but it still gave me an error when trying to boot, and crashed.


All I wind up at is a black screen with white text, saying that it has failed to load.


As stated in subject, I have a laptop, it's an AMD Turion64 x2 (Dual Core) at 1.6ghz stock; 1024mb of RAM, 100gb HDD (30GB reserved for OSX)... GeForce mobile gpu...


Is there some sort of problem when trying to install to dual cores?


Someone, please lemme know... I really want to get this to work. Thanks much in advance.


If you need me to take a picture of this boot error, I will be entirely glad to do so... just say "when".

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Snapped some pics tonight with my webcam... Sorry, not the best quality... tried to get most shots / angles for you guys. School's been keeping me from getting these shots -- Precalc at 8am, and Spanish 202 is kicking my ass currently. But I'm doing great in my C++ programming class!

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As Lord Rammjet has said many times, first try a clean install and boot using this command:


-v cpus=1


This will attempt to boot OSX using 1 core instead of 2.


Often times, it's NOT the CPUS causing the errors. It's usually peripheral hardware...


Give it a shot after you reformat your OSX drive and reinstall.

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It appears as though you got yourself a new error?


Anything is progress if you view it as such! :P


Can you take a better photo of the ENTIRE error message?


Can you tell us which patches you applied during your customized installation of OSX?


I'll keep trying to help you as much as I can...

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Yeah, I can try to do that... I don't know what options I ticked when installing, so I guess I'm up for another round of Mac OS/X install tango -- no troubles tho... I'll try it again tonight, but for now I've got some plans that need attending to... but I will be back with better photos, promise.

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Ok, reinstalled fresh... Ticked these options off in the install:


Printers: HP drivers


Patches Selected:

10.4.6 combo update

AMD BaseSystem



10.4.6 SemjaZa v1.2 AMD Decrypt

Wireless Networking Support

Sigmatel 9220 Audio SUpport


Ran it with -v cpus=1....




photos are end results. Help?

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OK, I'm in the OS now. Thanks a bunch, Kiko! I'm setting up all my little preferences right now.


Next steps would be to boost the speed / performance with patches, correct? Any links you guys can provide, or help? It seems to be running decently fast, but still -- I technically don't have SSE3 (my processor is capable, but Kiko recommended not installing that option, so OSX doesn't see it, I think...?)

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No probs man. The SSE2 emulator should pass the sse3 instructions anyway, i had to do it wiht my CPU or it wouldnt boot either even though i had a Intel SSE3 CPU. For speed patches it depends on your hardware, there really arent many speed tweaks apart form removing AppleHWSensor.kext, umm get teh macvidia drivers for your Video Card (Note theses do not support QE/CI (Hadware Accerleration) yet but it will be implemented in the next version). Anythign else i do not know but do not be afraid to ask (as long as you search before you ask :P )

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