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Overall Performance


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Hey Guys,

I started playing around with OSx86 right at the beginning. I left it for a while and then played with it again (around the 10.4.3 release). To my discovery, I realized why I left it, key features and performance were not right. I then went and bought a PowerBook G4 (Apple does in fact make money off this). And now I am back again browsing the forums! I have a PC:


Asus P5GD1

Prescott P4 3.4ghz

1gb ram

X1600 video card

Built in Sound (that worked in all the released)


I just want to know if performance would be as good as my PB G4 (1.4ghz) and if I would be able to run QE/GL on my X1600 with a resolution of 1280x1024. I am also wondering how the whole general practical use would be before I rededicate hours of tinkering around to get it working right.



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Guest bikedude880

Asus P5GD1: Decent board, should work well (with a few minor problems)

Prescott P4 3.4ghz (SSE3 enabled, works well)

1gb ram (Perfect!)

X1600 video card (Will definetely need a patch)


You really shouldn't have that much trouble on this system.

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