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I use a HD4650 1GB (more info here) with a patched personality and dev ids within ati kexts.


Everything works alright, also some small OpenCL programs can use the card for OpenCL computing. It's reported as HD4670 then.


The only problem: OpenCL recognizes only 512 of 1024MB of graphics memory. Is there a way to patch this? Maybe binpatch ATIX2000? OpenCL Framework?


EDIT: Luxmark tells me the HD4670 only has 8 render units, but the HD4650 specs say the following:

Shader Processors:	320
Texture Units:	32
Raster Operators	8


There also appears an error in Luxmark:

OpenCL ERROR: clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(-54)


Thanks for help.

I use a HD4650 1GB (more info here) with a patched personality and dev ids within ati kexts.


Everything works alright, also some small OpenCL programs can use the card for OpenCL computing. It's reported as HD4670 then.


The only problem: OpenCL recognizes only 512 of 1024MB of graphics memory. Is there a way to patch this? Maybe binpatch ATIX2000? OpenCL Framework?


EDIT: Luxmark tells me the HD4670 only has 8 render units, but the HD4650 specs say the following:

Shader Processors:	320
Texture Units:	32
Raster Operators	8


There also appears an error in Luxmark:

OpenCL ERROR: clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(-54)


Thanks for help.


4650 being reported as 4670 is normal. ( The Render Engine of 4670 is used ). Its the card the imac9,1 has.


I have the same mobility 4650 1gb ( using shrike fb with patched lids table , see my posts)


So I ran your Luxrenderer for fun sake .. Exactly the same results. And slow like hell your "openCL" test stuff.. the card is still blowing now after I have forced quit the app.. :D


Games/imovie/QE/CI run fluent and snappy on this laptop, nothing to complain .


so I would say the card in OSX is not suitable for your openCl wishes, its just so.

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