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Intel Pro 10/100 VE Network


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Can somebody please help me through getting my integrated Intel Pro 10/100 VE Network card to work?


I've looked everywhere but I can't find anything that will work. Also I have a Radeon X1300, is there anyway to get my resolution to 1280x1024?


It would be great if somebody could actually help me instead of saying "go download the tulip.kext"..




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Guest BuildSmart

while the wiki provides editing of the plist to make a hardware match it may not render a properly working interface as noted by some users who have connectivity issues.


I'm working on a proper solution but require some assistance from someone who has time and a little programming skills (SEE: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=25097) to speed the process along.

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He wishes to change his resolution which unless his card is supported which i dont think it is, requires his boot.plist editing. I myself have had no experience with that lan controller so the best place i could send him was the wiki.


Just trying to help



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Silthrim, to make work LAN:


Open up terminal.

and write:



sudo vi /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleIntel8255x.kext/Contents/Info.plist


it will prompt for password.


move with cursor keys and you will find this section:


<string>0x10518086 0x10508086 "0x27dc8086" 0x10298086 0x10308086&0xfff0ffff 0x12098086 0x12278086 0x12288086 0x12298086 0x24498086 0x24598086 0x245d8086 0x10918086 0x10608086&0xfff0ffff</string>


You will need to add " " text.


to add text in vi, you'll need to push "i" key - to get into "insert" mode.

if you got it there, pres ESC and write ":wq!" to exit vi editor and save changes.


now, you'll need to clear kext cache, so when osx will start, it will rebuild with your changes.

this is the command:



sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions.*


now, if all is OK, you can reboot and you will have network working

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