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In this approach I used the "ual808" post in http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?sho...4987&hl=hex


Using 10.4.5 (Broadcom BCM5752) dev id: 1600 Vendor Id:14e4


save the file /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext in the desktop

(in the desktop copy) right click and "show contents"

find the Contents/PlugIns/AppleBCM5701Ethernet.kext

right click and "show contents"

you going to find a file named AppleBCM5701Ethernet (you are going to use the hexeditor on it) drop it in the desktop!!


you could download an hex editor in





in the hexeditor go to Find "66 81 FA 59 16" and replace all matches with "66 81 FA 00 16"

ps. my deviceId is 16 00, took time to understand the changing :)


scroll down to line 37550 and change.....

change address 37554, 37555 of "75 71" to "EB 71"


save and close the file....


than inside the AppleBCM5701Ethernet.kext you going to find the file named "Info.plist" open it and replace the entry <string>pci14E4,1659</string> with <string>pci14E4,1600</string> and save the file.


Put back the AppleBCM5701Ethernet inside the AppleBCM5701Ethernet.kext (same place).


drop the modified IONetworkingFamily.kext in the original location (should need root password)


then run the commands


sudo -s

cd /System/Library/Extensions/

ln -s IONetworkingFamily.kext com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily.kext

rm /System/Library/Extensions.kextcache

rm /System/Library/Extensions.mkext

chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions

kextcache -k /System/Library/Extensions

shutdown -r now

then you will reboot.....

once booted, you need to setup the network


# setup the mac address (see it in windows "ïpconfig /all")

sudo ifconfig en0 ether 00:13:72:18:XX:YY


# start options


sudo ipconfig set en0 DHCP


by now you should ping your default gateway....



And that's all folks :)



Marcelo Correa

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scroll down to line 37550 and change.....

change address 37554, 37555 of "75 71" to "EB 71"


I did everything you did with my broadcom 5788, it was recognized, received an IP address but I was unable to ping my gateway or surf the net.


But I did not do the last step you mentioned here in my quote. Can you explain what it does or where you got the numbers from ?


My ID is 14e4:169c



I also have a Dell Latitude D620 with Broadcom BCM5752. I followed the patching instructions, and the card is detected, can set mac address, get IP, and can surf the net (jippie). But after what seems to be a fixed number of transfered bytes/packets (which only takes 15 seconds) everything freezes/hangs... (doh).


I tried 10.4.6 and now updated to 10.4.7 and problem still persists. Mcorrea, do you also have this problem or does your network work flawlessly? Did you apply any more patches? What is your MacOsX version?





OK, the BCM5788 card is now fully working. I had one issue though, that is that the Mac address was always reverted to 00:00:00:00:00:00 at reboot but I added your mac setup command to the /etc/rc script and now it is set up everytime I boot up the system.


So case is closed for me. Each necessary piece of hardware on my Acer Ferrari is running !!!



I also have a Dell Latitude D620 with Broadcom BCM5752. I followed the patching instructions, and the card is detected, can set mac address, get IP, and can surf the net (jippie). But after what seems to be a fixed number of transfered bytes/packets (which only takes 15 seconds) everything freezes/hangs... (doh).


I tried 10.4.6 and now updated to 10.4.7 and problem still persists. Mcorrea, do you also have this problem or does your network work flawlessly? Did you apply any more patches? What is your MacOsX version?






I had the same problem. I got a kernel panic as soon as I typed in a web address ;) Anyone fix this yet?

  • 1 month later...

Best thread ever.


This not only fixed my ethernet but afterward, magically, Airport decided that the other ethernet device WAS infact wireless and that it should take control.


It was the most glorious mac moment of my life loading SysPrefs and having it say "I found a new Airport card".


Infinite thanks mcorrea




EDIT: I get GSOD after some arbitrary number of packets. Looks like these two devices may not have the same size/set of buffer registers. Or I'm just making up words; they don't make computer engineers like they used to.

I also followed these instructions which resulted in a working ethernet connection until... the grey screen of death appeared.


It takes several minutes usually (I posted this using the Broadcom interface) but so far it has always crashed.


What about other D620 users? Is your network working permanently or do we all have to type very quickly for fear our machines are going to die any minute?

Followed the directions on my D620 and received the exact gray screen of death after a few seconds of browsing.


Also interesting is after I made these changes, my Belkin wireless adapter which had previously been working correctly is not working anymore.


I need to look into that further though...





Followed the directions on my D620 and received the exact gray screen of death after a few seconds of browsing.


Also interesting is after I made these changes, my Belkin wireless adapter which had previously been working correctly is not working anymore.


I need to look into that further though...






I have the same problem, crashes after about 2 seconds of browsing. Also my MAC address wont stay. But after getting ethernet "working" my wifi really started working.


Patiently waiting for any updates.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Could anyone so kind to post 10.4.5's IONetworkingFamily.kext here? since my first OSX86 is already JaS 10.4.8 and don't have any previous version, it's not possible to get the kext (I do have 10.4.3's IONetworkingFamily.kext where I found it in this forum, though).....

Once I've it, I'll try mcorrea's method and if it works, I'll post the patched kext up here as a pay back, thanks~~

  • 2 weeks later...

I followed the procedure and got the same 2-seconds lifespan.

Once rebooted, I went to en0 settings/ethernet and choose manual config; I set 100basetx and full-duplex/flow control and I'm not having any crashes any more since then.


As usual, YMMV




Update: system does not crash but network stops working after a while.... :(

Edited by gaogao
I followed the procedure and got the same 2-seconds lifespan.

Once rebooted, I went to en0 settings/ethernet and choose manual config; I set 100basetx and full-duplex/flow control and I'm not having any crashes any more since then.


As usual, YMMV




Update: system does not crash but network stops working after a while.... ;)


Hmm..... I guess I'll give up OSX86 on D620, at least for a while.... Onboard LAN isn't really a big deal (I've wireless working already), but sound is a must.... I got an US$9.99 USB sound card regconised, but the quality is very bad and choppy, though.....

Hmm..... I guess I'll give up OSX86 on D620, at least for a while.... Onboard LAN isn't really a big deal (I've wireless working already), but sound is a must.... I got an US$9.99 USB sound card regconised, but the quality is very bad and choppy, though.....


I can't seem to get the ethernet working either. Would you mind posting the wireless driver or instructions on how to get it working?

I can't seem to get the ethernet working either. Would you mind posting the wireless driver or instructions on how to get it working?


Oh, for wireless networking, simply take out your Intel 3945 and go get a Dell TrueMobile 1490 mini PCI-E card on eBay or local Dell parts distributor, and you'll be all set (OSX detects it as AirPort automatically).

BTW, do you got colour banding on the LCD screen with Titan driver?

Oh, for wireless networking, simply take out your Intel 3945 and go get a Dell TrueMobile 1490 mini PCI-E card on eBay or local Dell parts distributor, and you'll be all set (OSX detects it as AirPort automatically).

BTW, do you got colour banding on the LCD screen with Titan driver?


Ah. I thought you might have used the built-in wireless card. I can't switch it out since it's a company owned laptop.


I'm not sure what the Titan driver is. I've got a 10.4.6 installation and don't seem to notice any color banding issues.



I also have a Dell Latitude D620 with Broadcom BCM5752. I followed the patching instructions, and the card is detected, can set mac address, get IP, and can surf the net (jippie). But after what seems to be a fixed number of transfered bytes/packets (which only takes 15 seconds) everything freezes/hangs... (doh).


I tried 10.4.6 and now updated to 10.4.7 and problem still persists. Mcorrea, do you also have this problem or does your network work flawlessly? Did you apply any more patches? What is your MacOsX version?






I have the same problem, I have a MacOSX 10.4.8 with last semthex kernel on a Latitude D620 ! Did you apply any more patches? Or some fix ?





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