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"MacOSX_10.4.4DVDPATCHED_Myz.iso" Will run here?

Allan Nogueira

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It's my first topic here and I have a simple doubt (to start!)... I want to know if my Hardware will run the OSX...

I'm downloading this file "MacOSX_10.4.4DVDPATCHED_Myz.iso" and it’s my PC:


-AMD A64 3000+ Venice E3 SS3

-MSI RX 480-M2 (Chipset Ati Xpress 200P - Without video on-board...)

-MSI X300HM 128/256mb DDR

-512mb DDR400

-HD PATA Fujitsu 10gb 5400rpm (I will use this for OSX!)

-HD SATA Seagate 160gb 7200rpm


-Floppy Drive

-Mouse/Keyboard PS2


Thanks and sorry for my English,


Allan Nogueira

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This hardware is good, i'm sure than will works well there. I would recommend you do download the 10.4.6 Jas DVD, therefore will you can update for the last version 10.4.7.


HD PATA Fujitsu 10gb 5400rpm (I will use this for OSX!)

Not use it for install your OS X.




Note: Allan you is brazilian?

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Crazylikeastraw i find than he sayed "I'm downloading..." :)


Yes .. I was downloading...


Sim! Eu sou brasileiro!

Agora eu tow com um problema! Meu teclado e mouse, ambos PS2 não funcionam durante a instalação!

Vc sabe o que pode estar acontecendo?

Se vc tiver um MSN que possa passar pra gente discutir sobre o assunto, seria muito bom!

E obrigado pela ajuda!


Allan Nogueira

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