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A lot of speculation has been slowly building this year as to why Apple didn't have the Intel Mac OS X kernel source openly available like it is for the PowerPC version. For those who aren't quite up to speed on all this: Darwin, the kernel software at the center of Mac OS X, is open source. There are a number of reasons this is helpful to individuals and organizations who want or need to customize Mac OS X for one reason or another, but for the most part, this doesn't really concern the typical Mac user like you and me.


However, to those who do customize and specialize the Mac OS X kernel for their specific uses the fact that the Intel version of Mac OS X's kernel hasn't been made available has been a source of discussion within their respective communities. Fortunately, as of yesterday, these kernel-lovin' folk have something more to talk about, as their wishes have finally been answered: a post in one of Apple's developer mailing lists yesterday announced that Apple has indeed finally released the kernel based on the latest version 10.4.7. Not much of an explanation for the holdup is offered, but an apology for the wait is. Either way, this is good news for those concerned about Apple's stance on open source software.




Guessing that means alot for the OSX86 scene? Sorry not really sure where this belongs so I guess it's here, mods feel free to move :)

Tomnic: try http://kernel.macosforge.org/intel-build-instructions.html I think this is maybe what you look for...


From what I can gather 64 bit processors should be ok. 32 bit users require updated kexts from apple.



Be VERY aware that if you build the open source 10.4.7 kernel on a 32bit hackintosh that the updated kexts may and probaly will break your computer.


Back up the current directory before doing so.


Apple clearly states there is no return path from the open source kernel to the stock kernels on 32bit systems.

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