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DSDT Help on my G41m-ES2L with Q6600 OC'd


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Alright, basically, I just got my Intel Q6600 in the mail and quickly OC'd it to 3GHZ, running stable. Now, I've had this issue with sleep and whatnot but I didn't want to fix it until I had the best possible CPU for my mobo. Now I do. So, i'm going to finally adress my sleep problems. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Side note: If I try and force my hack to boot in 64 bit via efi string, my harddrives will just shut down and the spinning wheel will just keep on spinning. I haven't really tried removing my 32bit string because I'm afraid I won't be able to get back. If you guys could ALSO help me on this issue, I would probably die of joy.

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How did you get that idea, I have an E8500 in an ASUS P5Q-E. And I don't overclock.


I think you are confusing Device Property strings with boot flags and bootloader configuration settings in /Extra/com.apple.Boot.plist.


You should post your specs (LSPCI-nn output for example) and attach your DSDT + configuration files from /Extra when asking for help.

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Use DSDT Auto-Patcher



and Chameleon RC5



add in boot.plist




my Q6600


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How did you get that idea, I have an E8500 in an ASUS P5Q-E. And I don't overclock.


I think you are confusing Device Property strings with boot flags and bootloader configuration settings in /Extra/com.apple.Boot.plist.


You should post your specs (LSPCI-nn output for example) and attach your DSDT + configuration files from /Extra when asking for help.

WHOOPS. Sorry, I must have confused you for someone else. I really only get useful help from like, 3 people.

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