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Question About 10.6.5 Update


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What do you mean?


If you're talking about restart not working, use either Chameleon 2.0 RC5 which has the FACP/FADT table restart fix built in (it's active by default) or use one of the three available restart kexts.


It's normal for a OS X system version update to restart by itself once, upon the first reboot. But it does that before reaching the desktop.


If 10.6.5 was restarting by itself I think we'd see a lot of posts complaining about it. But that's probably not what you meant.

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Either way, an automatic restart would not be a problem if you just keep your custom kernel renamed.


As detailed here: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=209192 (Warning: the patched kernels in that topic are for 10.5.x)


Name the kernel 'custom' or 'grandma' or whatever you want and place it at root next to mach_kernel.


Edit your /Extra/com.apple.Boot.plist and change where it says 'mach_kernel' to whatever you named your patched kernel.


Now, when you run the update, mach_kernel will get overwritten and your patched kernel will not because you have renamed it.


Your Hackintosh will continue to boot using the patched kernel when you restart after running the update.

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That is a great idea


Thanks, it's not my idea though.


Hackintosh history lesson:


The final version of the Voodoo 9.5.0 kernel came with an installer that named the kernel mach_kernel.voodoo and set mach_kernel.voodoo in your com.apple.Boot.plist. That was December 2008: http://code.google.com/p/xnu-dev/

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