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Hackintosh this system?


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Board: p6x58d

CPU: i7 930

6GB Memory


HDD: Scorpio 750GB


I have tried the following flavours:


[url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] ATI, [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] Support, Empire EFI, Legacy Empire.


Has anyone else got any ideas. The empire EFI got the furthest, but it hangs when starting to read the disc.


Any help much appreciated

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Few days earlier I saw a similar configuration on youtube showiing off his hardware , I think he was using the tony mac intial boot iso and then retail install of os x along with myhack installer to finish off the installation. Pls try the configuration and then let us know ,


I personally feel you should go with myhack installer and retail osx installation it should work fine.............. -)



happie hackin :-))

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Jump on this thread for your Kext's and DSDT


You do realize your graphics card works only with SL 10.6.4. Apples graphics update may help to.

Try searching for the right boot loader as well HERE


Keep trying you will get it....

Kext.com very helpful


You should be able to install Vanilla if you have access to a Mac or VM with OSX, its simple to.

Vanilla guide help and understanding


Your drive should have whats checked when your using Chameleon



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Hey, many thanks for that, I must of missed that thread when searching for my board. When you say:


Jump on this thread for your Kext's and DSDT


You do realize your graphics card works only with SL 10.6.4. Apples graphics update may help to.

Try searching for the right boot loader as well HERE

how do i get 10.6.4 on a DVD/stick as I only have a retail of 10.6.3 DVD.

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ok, many thanks for the help thus far guys. I haven't had time to do the 10.6.4, but I have it up and running however I have to run GraphicsEnabler=n else my fans whiz up and I get a black screen.


I understand I need to get the right kext for my 5770, and I have copied what I believe the correct ones to /System/Library/Extensions. However I still only have the one res/incorrect res.



Is it worth running 10.6.4 and the Graphics Driver update first, and then seeing what happens?

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Just be careful of your kext's Sleepenablerkext this one is just specific to your version of SL and will kernal panic if you happen not to have the correct version set. Some people don't use sleep so it doesn't effect them. If its not present in your Extra/Extensions folder then no need to worry. If it is remove it before your reboot upon updating, then stick the newer one in after you have rebooted.


I can't think of anything other than your cards id's in the kext's that can be affected so after you update don't reboot. Have your graphics card kext's on your desktop. Use the Kext Helper that does terminal work for you and install your cards kext's.


Then last but not least use Kext Utility to rebuild mkext and repair permission,clears cache

reboot once your finished


If your audio is gone after reboot then simply get the compatible version for SL 10.6.4 if your using AppleHDA.kext. If your using Voodoo audio then it should still work.


Hope this is of some help

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Did you boot with -x -v to see if you can get in with safemode, it should halt and show you whats the hangup if you don't make it to your desktop. The screen shot can give insight with help to whats wrong. You can boot into single user and use terminal commands to remove or add kext's.


Here is Chameleons documentation on all the things you can have done when you boot... yeah yeah learning curve


Hint: Backup, simply patrician drive into 3 parts and use GUID table and install OSX SL twice, you only need to install Chameleon once if your using the same physical drive. Then you can easily repair and configure the install that your trying to upgrade. Each install will show as a bootable option in Chameleon.


Your learning so practice makes perfect so be patient.


1. Get one install up and running and then use your running OSX to then install via OSInstall.mpkg off the retail disk to your 2nd patrician.


OSInstall.mpkg is hidden so you need to unhide with Show All Files customize install and unselect printer support, Additional Fonts, Language Translations... this will stop it from getting unsuccessful install.

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hi, thanks for that, i am thinking of doing that.


I did a re-install last night, I updated to 10.6.4, but then I killed my system again with the SL graphics update.


So tonight I will do a reinstall, but I will have 2 problems left:


1 I'm still not sure how to get the kext working for my ATI HD 5770 (I Have read the threads but doesn't make much sense)


2 - The system won't boot unless I have the boot 132 cd in and select the macHD ( I have cleared caches etc)

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optional USB Boot with Chameleon GUIDE 101 "STEP 1: PREPARING THE USB DRIVE" This is a very helpful way to keep your kext's safe and at least saves you headaches when your trying to boot + security simply take it with you.


Install this Chameleon 2.0 RC5 r518 Choose "Customize" when installing then tick "Theme" "PrefPlane" "Option for com.apple.Boot.plist". On the Options for com.apple.Boot.plist choose "GraphicsEnabler" on the GraphicEnabler choose "Yes". last choose GUI.

Hit install


Installing Chameleon should be done when you first get up and running.

Remember to replace the "boot" with the "boot" file that enables your card to boot if your using that method


Sometimes the "boot" file with the arrow is hidden:

This replacing the boot that has your card support then is engaged when the com.apple.Boot.plist contains






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Thanks for that, last night I did a reinstall. Patched to 10.6.4 using the combo update, and then used [url=&quot;http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/&quot;]#####[/url].


Now it boots fine, except I have to do GraphicsEnabler=N to get it to boot. I am still searching through the 42 page thread for my kext. I have tried a couple of the ATI_INIT's but no joy yet :/

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Yeah, ATI_INIT's seem to be 32bit only and if its installed then to use it your must have it set to GraphicsEnabler=N, If not then the boot file has to then let the apple OSX know that the particular graphics card exists. Then OSX loads up the correct kext from the S/L/E folder. I am sure that some members got there cards working all 64bit but it might just be the HD5850 & HD5870 so far.


Does it seem to be running fine? If so enjoy

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Yeah, ATI_INIT's seem to be 32bit only and if its installed then to use it your must have it set to GraphicsEnabler=N, If not then the boot file has to then let the apple OSX know that the particular graphics card exists. Then OSX loads up the correct kext from the S/L/E folder. I am sure that some members got there cards working all 64bit but it might just be the HD5850 & HD5870 so far.


Does it seem to be running fine? If so enjoy


So, try inserting the ati_init using kext helper, then editing the boot.plist to turn graphics enabled to no?

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"ati_init" goes in the Extra/Extensions folder


Hilighted is how to set your boot for 32bit so your "ati_init" engages




Showing the example in Chameleon-2.0-RC5-r518.pkg installed with OSX already running






This might also convince other users to try it out sense its options are great. Sure saves time + you can try rom injection and so on... more tools for solving issues is always welcomed.

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