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Safari Crashing


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I installed Mac OS X earlier today and so far I've only had 1 issue and thats safari crashing. If I go anywhere besides my homepage, safari will crash :D I've installed Mac OS X by downloading the deadmoo vmware image, and copying it over a apple partition on my harddrive and multi-booting it with xp using boot.ini and chain0, I've used this method before and it worked perfectly fine, but this time I can't use safari without it crashing. So I'm going to download firefox to my windows partition and just acess it while I'm on OS X. That should be fine, but the only thing is that I would like to use safari, but I can live without it. Anyone else have this problom/know a fix?

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The fix would be to drop that old VMware image and to get yourself a 10.4.5 or 10.4.6 iso.

I mean the deadmoo image was great at the time, but that thing it's ancient history now...

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I installed Mac OS X earlier today and so far I've only had 1 issue and thats safari crashing. If I go anywhere besides my homepage, safari will crash :D

Does your current machine have QE/CI working?


Did your previous, stable machine/installation have QE/CI working?


Do others reading this have Safari running smoothly (and is your QE/CI working)?


Are you a fan of the Socratic method yet?

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