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Help with kernel panic


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Hi to all from a newbie osx86 member


I am trying to install osx86 on my lenovo T60 2007-63G.

I am using Empire EFI 1.085 ATI


I get a kernel panic(attached) and I don't know where to start looking.

Can someone help please?


You have missed out some information in the screenshot.

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What chipset is in your laptop? Please post some specs, believe it or not, most people don't know what hardware is in a Dellnovo x84-4560 or whatever it is you have.


The panic is caused by a driver for Intel ICHx Southbridge in PATA mode.


Switching SATA to AHCI mode in the BIOS should cure the panic, unless your PC has a PATA drive..?

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Try disabling AHCI mode then.


I just noticed there's also a complaint from AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement (half-cut off in your photo).


At this point, if you can't even boot the install DVD, all you can do is play with BIOS settings and try different boot flags.


Have you seen this? http://forum.thinkpads.com/viewforum.php?f=32

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  • 9 months later...
Hi to all from a newbie osx86 member


I am trying to install osx86 on my lenovo T60 2007-63G.

I am using Empire EFI 1.085 ATI


I get a kernel panic(attached) and I don't know where to start looking.

Can someone help please?

I am running the same t60 on "hazard 10.6.6i" updated to 10.6.7 with his updater. google it for a copy easy enuf to find. you will have to play with the options to get it to run right but the needed kext are in there. a note for the install dont use the voodoo battery or you will get kernel panic every time. also when you get it installed run osx86 tools and fix everything you can other wise you will get a kernel panic after 30 mins or so of running it. something in the extensions need fixed for it to run right. last note till i send u off into the wild is you will need to pick up a netgear wg111v3 if you want internet. i havent figured out how to get the onboard ethernet to work let alone wifi. there is a youtube vid sayin you can get the wireless to work with no security but dont be cheap spent the 25 at walmart and get the adapter. i appologise for the mis spelling and terrible english. i talk well with computers not so much with ppl. hope it helps tho :(

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