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An Odd Situation - Need Advice


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After many attempts to run OSX 10.6.4 on my machine


Asus P6T Deluxe V2

Core i7 920

OCZ 6 GB 1600

ATI Radeon HD 4850


I finally got it to install on the second internal HD, where I have windows 7 on the first one.


Now when I boot the PC, it goes directly to OSX and start it in single user mode.


When I enter the BIOS, it does not recognize the windows HD as one of the boot options. However, when I click on F8 and select the windows boot, I get the easyBCD screen to select which os I want to start with.


If I select windows, then everything works fine.


If I select OSX, it remains in the grey screen with the apple log then it give me a darker screen asking me to reboot the machine.


Anyone have any suggestions please?


Thanks in advance.

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It would be interesting to see how your HDDs have been partitioned.

Also, are you sure that Windows 7 sees the HDD where it is installed as first?


But mainly it looks like an OS X bootloader (probably Chameleon) issue. Did you install it?


First, thank you for your reply. What I did is I had my pc already setup with windows 7, I had an extra SATA HD that I did not use, I plugged it in, installed OSX on it following the tutorials and the Asus P6T Boot 132 . Then to get the devices working. I used tonymacx86 installer to get the video card working. I used the Asus P6T Boot 132 v 1.5.7 to get the networking running, the used Boot 132 v1.6 to get the audio working.


Before activating the devices, I went into Windows and Installed easyBCD and get the boot working properly. But, after getting all the devices working, now I do not get the boot selection window, it directly boots into single user mode. If I want to select the boot, I have to hit F8 at the chameleon prompt and select windows. At the chameleon prompt, if I select osx to start normally, it gives me the dark window asking me to hit the power button to reboot.


Any advice?

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It would seem, from what you say, that you did a vanilla install (correct me if I am wrong).


Maybe at this stage it would be better (easier) to install a recent distribution, like Snow Leopard Hazard or iAtkos S3 v2.


As Gringo Vermelho says, normally you shouldn't need EasyBCD.


Also please keep in mind that OS X needs to be installed on a primary, active partition, which you should create before you install OS X. Use Parted Magic:




It has support for HFS+


Gringo Vermelho, sorry to disagree, but Windows should always be installed on the fist HDD.

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Gringo Vermelho, sorry to disagree, but Windows should always be installed on the fist HDD.


Probably, but connecting the drive to another port after installing doesn't cause any issues.

Windows 7 works fine for me on a HDD in SATA port 2. So did Vista.


IIRC Windows XP is more picky about it but I can't remember exactly in what way.

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If you have OS X and Windows on separate drives you don't need EasyBCD. Connect your OS X drive to the first SATA port and set it as primary boot device in the BIOS, and have Chameleon boot Windows for you. That's what I do and it works great. Sorry I can't help with the other stuff.


Thank you for your replies. Here is what I have done so far.

1 - I opened the case and connected the OSX HD into SATA1 port

2 - Connected the Windows HD into SATA2.

3 - Went into BIOS and under Boot:

3.1 Under Hard Drives, I was able to locate both HDs, I put OSX as the first drive, and Windows as the second drive.

3.2 Under Boot Priority, I can see the OSX HD, but not the Windows HD. So, I set the OSX as the primary boot. Save and quit.


Now, when I boot the PC, I get directly to the Chameleon screen and it does give me only osx with the progress bar to boot from it. I do not see the Windows option there.

If I let the progress bar finish, OSX starts automatically in Single User Mode.


On a separate note, if I go back into BIOS and change the hard drives to Windows first, and set it as the primary boot. After restart I get to the easyBCD boot selection window, when I select OSX It tries to start normally, but after couple minutes I get the dark screen asking me to press the power button to reboot my pc.


Any ideas?

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Thank you for your replies. Here is what I have done so far.

1 - I opened the case and connected the OSX HD into SATA1 port

2 - Connected the Windows HD into SATA2.

3 - Went into BIOS and under Boot:

3.1 Under Hard Drives, I was able to locate both HDs, I put OSX as the first drive, and Windows as the second drive.

3.2 Under Boot Priority, I can see the OSX HD, but not the Windows HD. So, I set the OSX as the primary boot. Save and quit.


Now, when I boot the PC, I get directly to the Chameleon screen and it does give me only osx with the progress bar to boot from it. I do not see the Windows option there.

If I let the progress bar finish, OSX starts automatically in Single User Mode.


On a separate note, if I go back into BIOS and change the hard drives to Windows first, and set it as the primary boot. After restart I get to the easyBCD boot selection window, when I select OSX It tries to start normally, but after couple minutes I get the dark screen asking me to press the power button to reboot my pc.


Any ideas?



OK!, I made some progress, I reinstalled chameleon and also bootthink, I went into the terminal and specified Windows 7 as the first boot, and OSX as the second boot.


Restarted and I got the grey screen with 2 options to select, windows 7 and OSX.


Clicking on Windows starts windows promptly.


Click on OSX starts spinning the HD for a bit then gives me the dark screen asking me to reboot the machine.


I tried starting the OSX with option -s "Single User" and that gives me several errors.


first is SertialATAPI Reconfiguration is not complete.


then when I type exist to start the system I get kernel panic.


I do not know if this is progress or not, but really appreciate your help.

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Don't install two bootloaders at the same time!


When you see the Chameleon countdown bar simply press a key to get to the GUI where you can select which drive to boot from.


Now I get "SerialATAPI device reconfiguration did not complete successfully" When I try to start osx in single user mode.


Any suggestions?

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Check the SATA cable going to your DVD drive. Verify that it's plugged in properly, try a different cable, try completely unplugging the DVD drive. Or try just ejecting the DVD.


Type "SerialATAPI device reconfiguration did not complete successfully" into google (including the quotes) and see what else you can find.

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Check the SATA cable going to your DVD drive. Verify that it's plugged in properly, try a different cable, try completely unplugging the DVD drive. Or try just ejecting the DVD.


Type "SerialATAPI device reconfiguration did not complete successfully" into google (including the quotes) and see what else you can find.

I did try you suggestion, and unplugged the DVD and the Windows HD, left only the osx connected, I still got the kernel panic, but this time it is not the same problem, I have attached a screenshot of the issue here.


Please take a look and advice me.



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Enable ACPI 2.0 and ACPI APIC in the BIOS if you have those settings or similar and try again. If they're enabled already, try disabling them.

Also while you're in there, enable all CPU features except CPUID Limit.


If that doesn't work then I don't know what you can do next. There seems to be a problem with the driver that OS X is loading for your video card (com.apple.ATIRadeonX2000). I don't have any experience with ATI cards so I don't know what your options are.

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Enable ACPI 2.0 and ACPI APIC in the BIOS if you have those settings or similar and try again.


If that doesn't work then I don't know what you can do next. There seems to be a problem with the driver that OS X is loading for your video card (com.apple.ATIRadeonX2000). I don't have any experience with ATI cards so I don't know what your options are.


I do have those options in the BIOS enabled by default.


The video driver I got was from [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] by tonymacs, that is the only one that worked for me. Is there any other place I can find those drivers from please?



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I do have those options in the BIOS enabled by default.


The video driver I got was from [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] by tonymacs, that is the only one that worked for me. Is there any other place I can find those drivers from please?




If I try to install osx with the snow leopard universal 10.6.2 installer, can I install 10.6.3? As I do not have the dvd for osx 10.6.2, I do however have the dvd for 10.6.3



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