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Not to diss this forum or anything, I still value InsanelyMac and will remain an active member in the other forums.  I also value everybody's input within my project.  Knowing this, and how this will eventually grow, I'm switching forums.  I've asked Mash for his opinion and he supported it.  Therefore, until I get a domain setup (or subdomain, currently sHARD manages the DNS), the new forums are located at:


This is a community server based forum system, my plans are to host dev blogs, user interface blogs, forums, screenshot galleries, and download management.  I'd really apperiatate if yall would sign up and keep posting there aswell as insanelymac's other forums.  Once again, this is just so I can expand (more forums, galleries, downloads, etc...) and not be "limited by one forum"


I highly value yall's input with this project!  Let's keep going strong!


--Chris (aka WebKitMaster)

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