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Kernel Panics after 10.6.4 update

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Today I upgraded to 10.6.4 by using Apple's Combo update and nawcom's legacy kernel.


After reboot I got a kernel panic with some NVEnabler errors, so I deleted the file in Single-User mode.


But if I Boot into Normal mode, or verbose mode, I get this errors. I don't really know what they mean?


I can boot fine in No cache mode (or something).


Can Anyone help me?




Martijn :(



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Ehm, Sorry I don't really know what you are talking about?

Then use the forum search and google, and find out!

Read your motherboard manual, search for posts from other users who have the same motherboard as you and see what they have done to solve a similar issue.


Then answer the question above so that someone can help you.


Nobody wants to have to explain every little thing, the information you need so that you can answer his question is already available here and in several other places, show that you are capable of doing some research on your own and I guarantee you that your chances of getting help will improve.


Here's an example of someone who was trying to help someone (the worst possible kind of noob) who was incapable of providing the required information, even when it's presented right before his eyes:


The thread turned into a children's book. I wouldn't poke that type of poster with a 10 foot pole (anymore), it's just a waste of time.


You posted no hardware information, therefore, just like FormerlyKnownAs did, anyone who tries to help you would just be guessing, and people don't generally like to guess in this type of situation.


I have some personal 'filtering' rules, for example I never help anyone who lists their power supply and case model when asked for their system specs, or someone who simply lists the marketing name and specs blurb of their PC from the manufacturer's website, because that indicates to me that they only have little to no knowledge of their own hardware and what information is relevant. Like this guy who listed his "kettle type power lead", monitor replacement cable, cabinet, PSU and the color of his keyboard: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=109435

Here's another one I'm not going to help: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=226350

It's just too much work and I am here mainly to have fun and get things done.


I'm sure I'm not the only one.


For your own sake, please do some research so that you can provide more information when you ask for help, otherwise you'll never get anywhere.

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I am here mainly to have fun and get things done.


I'm sure I'm not the only one.


you're not.


you got a lot of patience. i have patience for friends and family ... and when im payed :rolleyes: .

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We're trying to sell the apartment - I stayed home from work today waiting for two different real estate agents to show up with buyers - they never showed up. So after cleaning and cooking I had nothing to do..


That's why I'm exceptionally patient today. I'm trying to tone it down though, it isn't healthy. :rolleyes:

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That explains your avatar photo then, I've been wondering what the deal was with that since you started the speedstepping thread. At first I thought it was a steam train locomotive. lol


As long as no news means more quality posts on IM (and you get paid) then it's not a bad deal at all. I didn't get paid to sit on my ass waiting for those people to show! :rolleyes:

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