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After watching the death of my old desktop computer I have decided to build a hackintosh/gaming machine. I bought the Pentium D 930 with an intel board and some DDR2 667 ram.


As of now, I have OS X installed on my external hard drive for use with my laptop (Pentium M). As the Pentium M does not have SSE3 I was wondering if there is anything I need to do before booting once I put the hard drive in my desktop.


I installed OS X using the 10.4.5 Myzar DVD and updated to 10.4.6 and 10.4.7 with JaS patches.


Do I need to change the mach_kernel to remove the SSE2 rosetta patch? I would like to be able to use SSE3 since I will now have it.


No, I do not want to reinstall OS X - I have everything just how I like it.



Thanks in advance for the help.



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