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Software Update 10.6.3?


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So I have a hackintosh I built based off a Gigabyte GA-G31M-S2L and a Nvidia 9800 GTS

I was running 10.6.3 just fine, then when the iTunes update came around a few days ago and I just let it install

all the other updates without looking. I also have final cut pro, aperture, and iLife, which are the only other things I would think could be on there...


Anywho. Now its giving me the "you must restart" error or whatever it is every time I boot.


I have the new chameleon boot loader I believe, but can't figure out how to get into safe mode.


I can't find where to type the -x command... and when I arrow down to safe mode..It like doesn't work??



I followed this guide to install, in case you need to know..I dunno.





Sorry, I used to be more savvy with this stuff, but it's just all so much to keep up with, that unfortunately I'm slowly slipping into the consumer category...




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You can also remove SleepEnabler.kext but you needed to rebuild mkext and clear cache's before reboot.


One can search for the SleepEnabler.kext for SL 10.6.3


Use Transmac to remove it in Windows. Then boot in safemode and use the kext Utility found here


Edit: More help here

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