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Buying OS X?

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OK, I know this may soudn stupid, but is there anyway to buy a copy of OS X from Apple and install it to you x86 PC?




Would do this as well, even if I had to install a "Hack". At least then it would be legal?


Our local Apple resellers list it (online) as being cheaper than Win XP Pro!

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The licencing statment spacificially states that osx has to be installed on apple hardware, so logicially, no, no there isnt, and if there was, then why would this forum and wiki and web page exist? then we would not have to make are own osx86 that will run on any* pc, because it would allready exist and that would be pointless, like trying to port somthing thats allready ported better.... and yes, even if you buy the restore disk and patch it it is no more legal because of apples licencing policy, allthough if they brought you to court, i think that you would have a better defense and get by with less of a punishment, although you would still be punished, and apple does not play nice :D




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