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I tryed iPC 10.5.5 and iAtkos7 and they same act same. As soon as I boot from CD I hit F8, type -v and then after half screen of lines my pc restarts. I installed the same iPC CD month ago and everything was fine. I haven't changed bios or stuff and don't know what is the problem. I started iDeneb distribution and its going fine but cant boot after the installation. Someone knows the problem with restarting?


Thanks, skull@

Try using some boot flags.


Begin with -v kernel_name e.g

-v voodoo


-v stageXNU

This will boot the system with another kernel. Check what kernels are available on the install disk.


Then try

-v -f

This is a verbose mode plus force load the kexts.


Also try

maxmem=2048 cpus=1 busratio=20

maxmem limits the amount of RAM to be used to 2Gb. It is useful them a problem with more then 4Gb RAM, appear (though may not be needed). cpus force the OS X to use only one core. Useful then system wont load with all the cores anabled.

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