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Archive Utility


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I'm not an expert but i can give you one method even it's maybe not the perfect one.


You need show hidden files 1975 but you can use the terminal too.

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder

And pacifist 2.6.3


Open Essential.pkg with pacifist located in /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ DVD/System/Installation/Packages/

and expand System/Library/CoreServices/


Then you can choose to install to defaut location or extract where ever you want.

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Thanks Ghost ^_^


I remembered I have tried these 2 terminal commands some time before to see what they do:


defaults write -globalDomain NSGrayBackground YES - enables gray background


defaults write -globalDomain NSGrayBackground NO - disables gray background


So I tried the first command, didn't like the new interface and reverted back to the previous one with the second command. But it seems Archive Utility remained uneffected. :(


Maybe there's a .plist to delete or something to gain the normal looks ?

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