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Chameleon Dual Boot for Dummies


The following guide is a reasonably simple approach for setting up a dual boot system on a single hard drive. This guide is written for OS X Leopard Retail and Windows 7 RC. It may also work for Vista, XP or various flavors of Linux. This was done by simply reading InsanelyMac (no new material here folks).


Step 1: Downloads

{a} Boot disk that supports your motherboard

The easiest route is to download a pre-built boot CD for your motherboard. Forum member Sonotone has a nice thread where boot discs are collected (http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=114834). The preferred route is to build your own boot CD using Galaxy’s slimbuild tool (also at the above link)


{b} EFI-Boot-i386 tool (by CoolEdit)

The download link is provided in CoolEdit’s thread (http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=162580&st=0). Place this file with your Chameleon file.


Please be careful when selecting a target drive to install Chameleon on. You need to know which device is which or you can disconnect the drives that you don't want affected.


Step 2: Partitioning Disk0

Fire up Disk Utility and partition your drive as a GUID disk (GUID is selectable under Options) with 2 or more partitions. You may want more than two for things like another operating system or a data storage partition. Make the first partition HFS+ for Mac and the second FAT for Windows. You can get to Disk Utility using numerous approaches (e.g. another OS X installation on your computer or an OS X install disc).


Step 3: Install Windows 7

Boot the Windows 7 install disc and go through the entire installation and setup process. You should reformat the FAT partition as NTFS during the Windows 7 installation. Be careful in choosing the partition to format. Reboot and verify that everything is functioning normally in Win7.


Step 4: Install Mac OS X

Boot the disc that you built in Step 1a. Hit [esc] and swap to your retail Leopard DVD, wait for the drive to spin up, then hit [enter] (hitting enter accepts the default boot device, which is the DVD). You can now proceed with your standard Leopard installation. The post-installation reboot will move you to Step 5, so be prepared.


Step 5: Install Chameleon

Reboot into OS X using the boot CD created in Step 1a. Hit [enter] instead of [esc] when prompted.


Copy the EFI-Boot-i386 tool to your desktop (or other destination of your choosing) and unzip it. You have 2 choices for loading custom drivers here: {a} put a slimbuild CD in the computer, or {b} copy the kext files you need to the /Extensions folder within EFI-Boot-i386. Do not do both {a} and {b} (if you do, then option {a} will prevail). Option {a} is easiest and requires the least thought. Bring up a terminal (Go -> Utilities -> Terminal). The terminal dialogue is shown below....


Username$ sudo -s

bash-3.2# cd Desktop/EFI-Boot-i386/

bash-3.2# ./Make-EFI-Boot-Now.sh

<a whole lot of script text goes here -- see instructions below>

bash-3.2# exit

Username$ exit


Press any key when you are prompted with “Are you sure you want this?”. Press any key when prompted to “Choose modus operandi”. Please select your destination device carefully. A single drive system will be disk0. You’ll see a bunch of script messages fly across the screen. You should be seeing a lot of “-SUCCESSFULLY-” messages.


That’s it. You’re done. It should now be ready to dual boot. No need to fix the Win7 installation.


You can run the EFI-Boot-i386 tool again if you ever want to add more drivers (kext files), change the Chameleon theme, install a custom kernel, or modify the boot.plist file. Just change the files within the EFI-Boot-i386 folder and then re-run EFI-Boot-i386 as shown in Step 5. Press "C" when prompted to "Choose a modus operandi", this will update your Chameleon EFI installation.

Hi vinlar,


thanx for your guide. I was these days thinking about dual boot with W7. I have the recent RC1 on my Core2 laptop and it works fine.


:D I made new script version of EFI-Boot-i386. It's now possible to select harddisk on wich to install EFI-Boot-Partition!


Load it down from http://www.mediafire.com/file/yk42vzjntmz/...oot-i386-v3.zip and look at

my post http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=162580 for further information.


Hope it useful for u!



Hi vinlar,


thanx for your guide. I was these days thinking about dual boot with W7. I have the recent RC1 on my Core2 laptop and it works fine.


:P I made new script version of EFI-Boot-i386. It's now possible to select harddisk on wich to install EFI-Boot-Partition!


:hysterical: Well that certainly changes things. I will update the instructions above to reflect your modified script. I'm glad you made that change. The script is now much more friendly to a wide range of systems.

:blink: Well that certainly changes things. I will update the instructions above to reflect your modified script. I'm glad you made that change. The script is now much more friendly to a wide range of systems.



.. but give the new script version a try first. I made tests only in my environment (HD 1: 2 Partitions: SysOSX and Data I, HD 2: Data II, but W7 planned) and wouldn't risk to screw my Machine. Because I use it as Digital Audio Workstation with some GB of software, wich I won't install once more.


But anyway: It's good idea to have Slimbuild Preboot at hands and a external (GUID) USB HD with a complete Leopard installation with working EFI-boot-partition.


Have a nice day!



  • 2 weeks later...



sorry but when i type "sudo -s" (whithout quotes) and password (mine is empty, now) i'll give my user again, no sudo user.

can you tell me why, please?


my cd is insert (by wingrunr21) and i boot from it.

osx hd is mounted.

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