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I replaced my 1GB Ram on Asus eee pc 904ha http://reviews.cnet.com/laptops/asus-eee-p...tag=mncol;psum) with a 1 x 2GB (http://www.prodimex.ch/pInfos.aspx?CODE=17038)

Since then, keyboard and trackpad have stopped working. I can plug in a USB mouse which works perfectly, but no onboard keyboard.

When I put the 1GB back in, everything comes back to normal.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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I replaced my 1GB Ram on Asus eee pc 904ha http://reviews.cnet.com/laptops/asus-eee-p...tag=mncol;psum) with a 1 x 2GB (http://www.prodimex.ch/pInfos.aspx?CODE=17038)

Since then, keyboard and trackpad have stopped working. I can plug in a USB mouse which works perfectly, but no onboard keyboard.

When I put the 1GB back in, everything comes back to normal.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


Value ram.... that could be the reason.


If I were you I would return it asap and get another one. Even same value stuff.

They should change it if it does not work properly. Make sure it is the right ram for your computer tho.


Is that a Windows Pc or hackintosh?



Good luck.

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