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Does anyone know how to fix this? I'm stuck with 1280x1024. I tried the tuts on 1280x800 to no avail. So, is there anyone out there working on fixing the widescreen mode 1400x900? Would really appreciate it. I have an HP ZD7000 and it's working flawlessly. But with a 1280x1024 resolution, i can't see some things at the bottom. 1024x768 is not that great for me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, I'm sorry that I can't be of any help to you're request, but I notticed u had an hp zd700, I was wondering, besides the failure with the display, did u have any other problems? I can't get my cd rom to work nor the video and my laptop has a digital card reader and it doesn't work eather. did you have any of this problems? and if you did how did u come over them

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  • 6 months later...

So can anyone confirm whether this resolution can be chosen?


I can use either an Intel GM950 that works flawlessly at my current monitor (1280x1024) and an ATI X1600 Pro that works at 1280x1024 with some driver hacking. Will any of these two cards be able to support 1400x900 ?

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  • 2 months later...

It's weird how quickly someone will jump in with a similar question and the original poster's question goes out the window.


What nobody is suggesting is the macvidia driver. The ZD7000 has an nvidia card in it and wont get higher res w/out it.


Go to www.macvidia.com, get the newest build, install, enjoy 1440x900.


As for the card reader, I haven't found a driver for mine, and I wouldn't expect one short of writing it yourself.


And yes, I've seen both a gma 950 and an x1600 both do 1440x900. Just need a supported monitor. But was there a need to hijack a thread to get this info?

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