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I have always patched my own DVDs for install and manually updated when needed. With the release of the JaS 10.4.6 DVD I'm wondering if there are any disadvantages to using it. That is, will it only install the patches needed for my system or am I going to end up with stuff I don't need? My main concern is performance, I don't wnat to be emulating SSE3 when I already have it. Thoughts?

You should be fine with PrePatched DVD's!


If the kernel has been patched with an SSE3 emulator, but your CPU supports it, it will still use SSE3. Myzar has even done benchmarks to prove it.


The only difference you will see when using an SSE3 emulator, will be that in System Profiler, it won't list SSE3 there :(


If that is a problem for you, then you can always patch your own mach_kernel and use that.


Simply put: You should be fine!

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