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Installation took 18 minutes according to the installation log.


Upon booting I have noticed that the Leopard Blue screens are now replaced with White ones,

I'm guessing because of the "Snow" Leopard name this was done.


Software update popped up right away with a new iTunes and new Samsung Printer drivers.

I installed them but Software update prompted me saying that my Mac was NOT connected to a power source, lol its a Mac Pro it can't run any other way than via the AC plug.


Install took only 5.16gb


Only annoyance so far is that the 32bit preference panes cause the system preferences to close and re-open when you enter them.

Also some minor graphical corruption with adding to the dock.


Haven't done much yet but it doesn't seem to be any faster than the 10.5.6 that I have been using. :thumbsup_anim:

Not sure if anyone else noticed this but Snow Leopard has native Read and WRITE support for NTFS formatted drives.




Edit: Here is some more proof for it.



Edited by ludacrisvp

Lol, Yeah I am running it on the Mac Pro.

It is a quad boot setup right now.



Vista x64

XP Media Center


Looks like I left it out of my sig... lol It used to be in there but mods constantly shortened my signature to the length that it is now. Even though it wasn't in violation. It was changed once from being too long then a few months later the same mod changed it to even shorter than before so.... yeah.

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