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I really need with instalation.

I have a HP Compaq nx 8220


Chipset - Intel i915PM/GM

Sothbridge - Intel 82801FBM (ICH6-M)


CPU - Intel Pentium M 740 (1.73GHz) (MMX, SSE, SSE2)

ATA HDD - 60GB, where 25GB goes to MacOS and rest for Win XP. (using Acrons boot manager - no problem with dual booting)

So far I tried 3 vesrsions of Hackontosh

1. iAtkos - 10.5.5 - installs ok, boot always resets PC

2. JaS OSX - 10.5.5 - istalls ok, boot "Still waiting for root device"

3. iDeneb 1.3 10.5.5 - install ok, boot alwaya reset PC, last message I see is like "Synkinf harddrines .. killing..."

I tried to change BIOS settings, but there isn't much to change relates to RAID and ACPI, no such option.


Pls advise, how would I install and boot the MacOS?



P.S. now downloading Kalyway 10.5.2 - maybe I'll have luck here :)

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It looks like I have some more luck

I finally managed to install iPC 10.5.6 on this laptop.

Now the problems are with video card and wireless network.

I did install drivers for Intel Wireless 2000 but it won't detect my wieless network, even the wireless light (on the button) doesn't come up.

Also, are there drivers available for Ati Mobile X600video card, now I get with the generic drivers 1200 x 800, that's bad ;)

Any suggestions are much apreciated.


Looks like I'm speaking with myself :thumbsup_anim:

But here are new details

I found the drivers for my video card ATI Mobility Radeon X600, works ok.

Found drivers for wireless network Intel Pro/Wireless 2200BG - works not very ok. Here is the situation, I installed iwi2000 drivers, installation was ok, in nsGUI I can see my network and here comes the problem. If network has security (WEP personal) enabled it won't connect to it, I expect to see a dialog to input password but it won't come up. It tries to connect and of course fails, if I disable security (which is bad) then it connects and everything works fine.

So, any idea how to tell to network drivers to use network credentials.



  • 2 weeks later...

Hi EugenUS!


I am just trying to install on the same notebook but got no luck so far.

I have one primary C: Partition (winXP) and an extended D: Partition (data)


I used Partition Magic to create another 18GB primary Partition FAT32 (from the freespace of D:) called G:


I hope so far the partitionpreparation was correct.


Then I bootet from the XXX-install Disk PPF3 (http://xxx-install-disc.blogspot.com/) and after a lot of messages the system just hangs

without ever getting to an installation setup...


So would you please tell me which DVD i need to install on the nsx8220 and anything else that would help me out....

...what´s the Acrons Bootmanager and how/when to use it?


Thanks in advance!

ok I tried the iPC release like you and after a lot off hassle getting my partition formatted I am finally ready to install- however I got no idea what to select for installation and it seams there is no Radeon x600 driver... EugenUS would you please guide me through the customizing!? (so many options.....)


Thanks - hope I am not talking to myself like you did ;-)

I'm also using the same laptop has you guys. I've managed to make to install like this.

1 - Created all partitions with the utility disc in the Kallyway 10.5.1 install dvd

Partition 1 OSX86 Kallyway 10.5.1 (MAC OS Extended (Journaled))

Partition 2 WinXP (FAT format and changed to NTFS in the install of xp)

Partition 3 Win7 Beta (FAT format and changed to NTFS in the install of Win7)


2 - In the installation of the OSX86 I've only selected the SSE2 option and leaved all the others (except the one he puts by default in the boot MGR)

It installed everything ok except for graphics, boot only with batery pluged and wireless.

Used this method for Graphics


This for Wireless


And disabled the Intel SpeedStep to be able to boot when connected only with the battery

Everything is working fine except for me some minor bugs with the Bluetooth (that somehow freezes the os and gives the message to push the power button and power off the computer). If i disable the bluetooth in XP every thing works fine in OSX after (have to do it in XP because I don't know how do it in OSX).


3 - After this installed the Winxp copied the chain0 file to the root of the Partition 2 and inserted in the boot.ini the line c:\chain0= "Mac OSX". When booting and choosing the MaOSX you have the darwinX86 message to press F8 with the counter. At that moment press any key to access the boot manager from darwin and chose the the OSX86 option to boot to it. By default the DarwinX86 chooses the active partition, and if you don't press any key it will boot again to WinXP(and it will stay like that forever, can't be changed, at least for now).


4 - After this installed Win7 (or Vista). It changes the boot manager of the computer and you no longer have the MAC OSX option to choose like you had with the menu from WinXP, but you can install in Win7 (or Vista) the Easy BCD (free ware software) and inside go to Add/Remove Entries and add Mac entry with the type Genericx86 PC. Now you can use the Win7 (or Vista) Boot Menu to chose your OSX option.


This is the method I've used to make this 3 boot option work easily. Except for the annoying part in the darwin86 boot menu that you always have to press one key to chose the OSX partition every thing is working fine and rock stable.

Hope this can help any of you guys.

Thanks Danny - I will try to get the Kaliway Disc and follow your guide. Not a 100% sure about: "2 - In the installation of the OSX86 I've only selected the SSE2 option and leaved all the others (except the one he puts by default in the boot MGR)" but let´s see how far I get. Thanks for helping out!



Update: as I couldnt find the Kalyway 10.5.1 at first I tried the 10.5.2 version. The unpatched version leads to kernel panic on DVD boot - the noSMC patched version got me a little bit further but ended with the "error: firewire unable...blabla"


So far the iPC DVD was the only one which could be installed - since I never know what to select at Customizing, I could not make it boot after installation.


Right now I am downloading Kalyway 10.5.1 as you said works - guess this will be my last attempt. Still hoping somebody could guide me through the customizing of the iPC DVD. Thanks

Finally after 2 weekends I got iPC running on my old HP Compaq nx8220 notebook (Pentium M, Alviso 915PM Chipset, Ati x600).


I used the voodoo kernel, intel ICHx Sata Driver, ACPI fix, IOPCMCIAFamily. (for no particular reason but nobody so far could tell me whats best for my system)


The problem now is: as soon as the applicationicons and OSX interface is loaded I get the "Are you sure you want to shutdown ...." window forced on me. I click cancel and it comes back instantly. So I have to restart oder shutdown since cancel brings it back up instantly.


At first I thought it´s caused by an misinterpretation of the USB keyboard hotkey (unfortunately iPC OSX didn´t recognize my touchpad nor the notebook keyboard) but plugging the damn keyboard didnt help getting rid of the Shutdown window....


This time it really looks like nobody else got that problem - please help anybody.....

I tried so many Disks and never got this far except with the iPC disk but now I am stuck again. "it´s f**** distracting - oooh goooood" wink.png


(other things I noted besides the annoying window and no keyboard/touchpad is that every 5 seconds or so I cannot move the mousepointer for a second as if there is heavy load or something going on)


if I can´t get this solved I´ll try the Kalyway 10.5.1 as my last hope.

iPC 10.5.6 Universal PPF5 Final now running (stable) on nx8220.


Here is what you need to chose on installation:

- netkas speedstepkernel (though I have speedstep diabled in bios)

- legacyIntelApplePIIXATA

- AC 97

- Intel 2200 Pro

- ACPI Fix

- IOPCMCIAFamily patched

- Shutdown/Restart Fix

- PS2 Keyboard Fix

- Patched USB Driver

(can´t say I totally know what I am doing here but who does anyway?)


The Good:

- no more hangs/lags/freezes

- no more forced shutdown window


The Bad:

- sound still gets turned off every 20 seconds or so (can be turned on with the hotkeys of the notebook)

- ati x600 driver missing

- ethernet not working

- wireless intel 2200 pro not working (though drivers were installed)

- when I go to Airport in Network Preferences, it crashes the window every time

- after about 20 minutes of doing nothing within osx I get the black screen: "need to restart your computer"


tried this for the x600 drivers but it didn´t work:



I get the following message right when I copy the kexts into the extensions foldern and then again everytime I reboot the system:

"System extensions cannot be used. The System extension /System/Library/Extensions/CallistoHAL.kext was installed improperly and cannot be used. Please try reinstalling it, or contact the product´s vendor for an update."


So I hope to be able to unite all nx8220 users to get a good system here. There must be a way to get the Ati x600 and the networks running.

Things to make it really work! :)


- the Callisto x600 driver DOES work

I did 2 things differently this time: I created a ROOT user (google it), logged out and IN again as root user and then I followed the guide of the link above. (I unzipped the ZIP directly with OSX)

after reboot I could set my resolution as promised


- iwidarwin driver as suggested by Danny Way works

forget Airport, iwidarwin installs another app called Network Selector, start it and click Power ON

you will get a list of all wireless networks. NOTE that this only seems to work on unprotected wireless networks. (since your network must be unprotected I recommend to set a MAC address filter on your router)


- my system crashed when I mounted images (like freshly downloaded Skype). install seatbelt.kext from the iPC DVD and this problem is gone


here is a link if you need CI und QE for the x600: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php...mp;#entry918283

(I dont really care right now)


If somebody gehts ethernet to work or regular wireless connection, let me know.

Good Luck!

Hi billy.

Men you are really making progress here :wacko:

Disappointed to see you can't find the 10.5.1

I will try to install iPC 10.5.6 Universal PPF5 and see if I can get it working.

Concerning the message "need to restart your computer" I also get the same thing after a while if I don't use the computer. But this happens also in 10.4.9 (and other versions also from the 10.5 that I don't remember which ones, I've already tried so many)

With the iPC 10.5.6 Universal PPF5 have you been able to see the battery status icon on the top left?

Thanks for your effort

Hi Danny,


found the 10.5.1 in the meantime but since iPC 10.5.6 is running fine now I won´t try the Kalyway now. Not sure if "seatbelt.kext" did the trick but I haven´t had a crash since.


The main purpose for setting up OSX here was to be able to check out the iPhone SDK and that works fine now. Haven´t checked the battery status, since my battery is broken anyway but I´ll have a look next time though I suppose I can´t really test this feature with the broken battery ;-)


It´s certainly not perfect but as far as I am concerned everything I need is there and the last two times I got it running for around 2-3 hours without crashing once. (before it happend about every 20-30 minutes)


Greetings, Billy

Hi Nackers,


are you sure you used: " I used the voodoo kernel, intel ICHx Sata Driver, ACPI fix, IOPCMCIAFamily. (for no particular reason but nobody so far could tell me whats best for my system)"


I am not a 100% sure but I strongly believe these were my settings. Things I did aside from that was updating the BIOS... disabled speedstep in BIOS. (though I am not sure if this has helped in any way)


and....It could be I selected "LegacyAppleIntelPIIXATA" instead of the "Intel ICHx SATA Drivers" on my last try before it worked. (just checked my notes and if they are correct this might help you)

So I would update BIOS and try the LegacyApple-Thing instead.


Hope this helped - let me know.


.....sometimes I wonder how I got it running. ;-)

Glad it works for you now - did you use LegacyAppleIntelPIIXATA this time?


I was wondering if you have the same small problems:

- wirelesslan not working via the OSX airport settings (crashes all the time when I access it)

- sound (and the LED) gets turned ON and OFF randomly....


greets, bhoyle

  • 2 weeks later...
Guys,I think my journey in the nx8220 is over... :unsure:

The Mother Board burned...And HP wants 600€ to replace it...(men this guys are the real thief's)

If any of you guys want to sell your laptop...please tell me. :rolleyes:


Damn, sorry to hear that. Did this happend while installing or messing around with OSX? because during some of my first tries I noticed that sometimes the notebook fan turned it self off completely and I was always worried it will fry within seconds.....

  • 1 year later...


I've installed 10.5.7 without any problems on this laptop.

I had to use the flag


After the installation it said "waiting for boot device", which I solved by installing Generic ATA drivers

When I reboot I get a reboot.

Trying a fresh reinstall now

  • 3 years later...

hi i have a nx8220 and imposible to install osx always kernel panic.


BIOS is from 2005 maybe i need to update it?¿

Update it with positive solution to 2009 bios

I will try in a other hardisk to install hackintosh with speedstep and bios disabled.

I got it a lot of thanks know i am trying ethernet kext

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