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"Still waiting for root device" after successful installation

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I recently installed leo4all and after the installation it gets "Still waiting for root device" error


I have:

AMD Athlon 64 6000+ ~3.01GHz

ASUS M2N-SLI Deluxe nForce 570 SLI



I am dual-booting with XP on a seperate hard drive


Please help im out of ideas

This is OS X telling you it can't quite find your hard drive. So it could be one of a few problems, one I know of being that you chose the wrong controller driver when installing OS X from the DVD. Check out what controller chipset your motherboard has, and compare with the DVD options. You can look at other solutions here[.url]. Some of those solutions are for problems with booting from the DVD, but the reasoning is the same. All of them don't require a new re-install, whereas choosing new controller drivers would.

I am having kinda the same problem. I have a extra Hdd (300 gig) that I am trying to install OSX on, everytime I go to try to install it I says "Still waiting for root" I have went as far as physically disconnecting the other Hdd ( windows ) where all i have connected it the 300 gig sata drive and the dvd drive (IDE) and still get the error message. Anyone have any ideas for me.





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