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Apple Again?!


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Im sorry but this is the last straw. After being a Linux user for years, loving its speed, security, and visual effects, it just pisses me off seeing Apple take some of Linux's best features and implementing it into their own OS and then putting a patent on it as if they came up with the idea in the first place!


I would be fine if they just released it in Snow Leopard, but to put a patent on it?!!? They are SOOOOO anti free software/open source they are making it impossible for us who love it to do anything!!!!


I hate Apple and Steve Jobs officially.

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As far as I know, there is nothing like a 3D user interface in any OS at the moment.

In GNU/Linux you get Beryl and Compiz and all this great 3D stuff, but the patent is not about that. It is instead about a 3D re-design of Apple's own Finder.


I don't understand your hatred.


Sherry Haibara

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Besides the fact that the walls have specific purposes, Compiz Fusion can already do a 3d desktop. It does not come as default or predefined setting, but it can and has been done. While I can understand shavex's feelings, they are a bit misguided.


Apple is patenting this specific implementation that incorporates finder and other parts of their OS. In other words, this patent applies to OS X and OS X only. They can't patent 3d Desktops because of prior art. FOSS is a powerful entity now and not even Apple wants to fight them in Court.


That being said, All OSes take ideas from each other. Windows gets blamed for stealing the idea and then ruining it. OS X gets blamed for stealing the idea and then calling it their own. Linux gets blamed for stealing the idea.... and then letting it get stolen from them. This is a major way in which OSes improve collectively.

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That being said, All OSes take ideas from each other. Windows gets blamed for stealing the idea and then ruining it. OS X gets blamed for stealing the idea and then calling it their own. Linux gets blamed for stealing the idea.... and then letting it get stolen from them. This is a major way in which OSes improve collectively.


Yea see I have no problem with stealing ideas, but the fact they are putting a patent on it is like stealing and then claiming the idea as their own and then making sure no one else can use that idea! While Linux of course lets everyone take and give to it freely!


Compiz Fusion can already do a 3d desktop. It does not come as default or predefined setting, but it can and has been done.


Ubuntu comes with Compiz Fusion installed by default, you have to enable it, but other than that its there already on a fresh install. Then if you want more than just wobbly windows and a cube desktop you can install the CompizConfig Settings Manager (from the repos) and honestly replicate what you see in those pictures minus the dock and stack ideas implimented. But Apple also has a patent on the dock >:[

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  • 1 month later...


Im sorry but this is the last straw. After being a Linux user for years, loving its speed, security, and visual effects, it just pisses me off seeing Apple take some of Linux's best features and implementing it into their own OS and then putting a patent on it as if they came up with the idea in the first place!


I would be fine if they just released it in Snow Leopard, but to put a patent on it?!!? They are SOOOOO anti free software/open source they are making it impossible for us who love it to do anything!!!!


I hate Apple and Steve Jobs officially.


Who the hell gives a damn about if something is free or not?

Im not and I was never able to use linux for anything serious.


Linux lacks of designing software and any other professional studio software.


And please dont come with that "ubuntu studio" thing. NO one company will give you any job offer if you said you are a professional using gimp, that its not a standard.


"Linux's best features and implementing it into their own OS and then putting a paten"



Its cool and anyone is enjoying it.

Linux, Mac, Windows... bleh! Grow up already and learn that each OS have their own personal usage for each area.


No one cares about how fancy you favorite OS is.

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  • 2 months later...

I agree with you for the most part Shavex. I think its sad that apple keeps taking features and ideas from the open source community applying them to their own OS for their own benefit with absolutely no credit given to those who originally came up with the idea. At the same time it wouldn't be a problem if the linux community implimented these features better For now though Apple can take these ideas and bring them to the mainstream in a way that Linux never could. Thats a plus, I guess...

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is not anything like compiz and even if was has to be same code to matter and it looks nothing like the effects you get with compiz and if you wanna point finger Vista has more the features that compiz has then this ever will

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