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well, i need some help here. I am trying to install leopard at VMware machine, and the leopard installation boots and identifie my ssp3 processor and go intenfying and working somethings out, but when the installation gets into this part




it crashes unexpectedly crashes, can someone help me please? i am really excited to try mac out


Best Regards


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lol, i am sorry, i suck at this. No, it's the "Mac OS X Leopard v10.5.2 Leo4All v3".

The thing is, i am thinking about getting a MacBook, but I want to try out Leopard before to see if I am going to like it nor i will get a Sony vaio or a HP. But i really didn't like windows vista, so i searching for other choices and mac looks like the better one

Sorry if I seemed mad, it's been a long day. Anyway, if you want the best VMware experience use a retail disk and follow Donk's Tutorial.-


The issue is due to the use of FreeBSD as a guest setting. I just wouldn't recommend it for this reason. So open the vmx file in a text editor and find the line that says "guestos", Edit it to:


guestos = "darwin-64"


Save this and try again. DO this whilst VMware is not running.


@Korrupted - thanks for plug!

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