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Hello All,


First of all this is my first Hackintosh so I dont know all that much 'Yet'. I grabbed up an image of iATKOS and it installed no problem, I was fine running 10.5.4 but I never could get my video card as well as random kernel panics so I decided to move to 10.5.5.


Here is my current install:



iATKOS v4.1 10.5.4

Bootloader - Darwing EFI Bootloader

Chameleon - ( not exactly sure what is the advantage of having this yet)


Kernel - nForce Kernel 9.2.0 Core EFI - (might change because of panics to sleep 9.2.0 but from what i have read vanilla is the best but since I run an nforce chipset I cant use?)

ACPI - Stock ACPI Modified

SMBIOS - AppleSMBIOS netkas

Software Update Enabler

Remove Thermal Kexts



VGA - ( I am trying to fix my video Thus the update to 10.5.5 )

nForce SATA /IDE

Intel Speedstep New

nForce Ethernet


I tried the method below but after reboot my pc just reboots repeatedly and I dont yet know how to recover it and have to reinstall and try again. I think this might be due to the fact that I couldnt run these instructions:


nano /System/InstallAtStartup/scripts/1


Replace the line Dont Steal Mac OS X.kext with dsmos.kext


_ when I pulled up the /System/InstallAtStartup/scripts/1 t, The Dont Steal Mac line was not present at all and neither was the dsmox.kext.


From what I read you have to have the vanilla kernel for this update to work correctly.



Here is the method I used:


Open Terminal


sudo -s


*type password*


while sleep 1;

do rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext; done


Open 10.5.5 Update Installer




Go back to your terminal and press Control C to end the script


In terminal type:


nano /System/InstallAtStartup/scripts/1


Replace the line Dont Steal Mac OS X.kext with dsmos.kext


Restart and boot with -v



Any Thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated...



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Yeah Im running my reinstall once again.


This time I tried Mysticus C method with his pre and post installation packages via this thread.




And these links to the packages.




It was quite uneventful. I ran the pre install pack then ran the 10.5.5 Combo Update and then the post install package. But when I ran the post install I was never prompted for customization options, in fact the OS panicked on me and welllll


Borked City......


I will not try with the sleep Kernel withe the Delta update and then use the post install and see if luck swings my way....I found this post so thats why im doing it:




According 3rr0rists, DO NOT use combo update, use delta update 10.5.4 to 10.5.5 only.

I think that's why so many people with iATKos v4i screwed up!


Anyone with iATKos v4i successfully update to 10.5.5 with combo update?

Please share your method!




What exactly does the chameleon bootloader have to do with updating to 10.5.5 if I may ask?

Has anyone here tried the iDeneb version of

Leopard 5.5?


Supposedly, it has all the right 'patches' required for most

CPUs. Am trying it today....will post results.


[successfully installed the iATKOS version of 5.4 for AMD last week...went very well, with no outstanding issues, other

than being unable to download any kernel patches from Apple. ]


Does anyone know if these difficulties with kernel upgrades are deliberate, ie: part

of the code base that Apple adds to them to make sure everyone has a 'legal

version' of the OS, or, is it simply incompatible code--with no

Apple 'conspiracy' involved? :)





Use vanilla kernel during installation and if it worked, install delta update, not combo.

Also, you only have to run this part to update...


sudo -s


*type password*


while sleep 1;

do rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext; done


Go back to your terminal and press Control C to end the script , restart

Yeah Im running my reinstall once again.


This time I tried Mysticus C method with his pre and post installation packages via this thread.




And these links to the packages.




It was quite uneventful. I ran the pre install pack then ran the 10.5.5 Combo Update and then the post install package. But when I ran the post install I was never prompted for customization options, in fact the OS panicked on me and welllll


Borked City......


I will not try with the sleep Kernel withe the Delta update and then use the post install and see if luck swings my way....I found this post so thats why im doing it:




According 3rr0rists, DO NOT use combo update, use delta update 10.5.4 to 10.5.5 only.

I think that's why so many people with iATKos v4i screwed up!


Anyone with iATKos v4i successfully update to 10.5.5 with combo update?

Please share your method!


I used the 'Mysticus' method starting from iAtkos 4i with no problems, with the apple combo update pkg. This is to say, the 2nd time I did it.....the first time I also missed (overlooked) the Customize button in the post patcher. I followed the steps as described by mysticus in his post.

I am using an Asus p5k mobo and just ran nvinject for my video after the upgrade + the patch for my sound.

Tried the same update ethod on my Acer AspireOne but failed....could only boot in safe mode afterwards....




and BTW , isnt delta pre-release ? i am not too eager to patch my system with something pre-release. or is it okay? /feels unsure


No. With combo, you can update from lets say 10.5.2 to 10.5.5 in one go but with delta, you must update from 10.5.4 to 10.5.5, only one version jump per update.

so I have been doing some major reinstalling.....


SO I got the iDeneb 10.5.5 but I cant seem to get this version to work on my 780i at all. Given I dont have many options but to keep trying installs due to my lack of knowledge but here is what I got.


My many tries....


First -


I tried default settings with nothing selected other that the AppleNForceATA... that was stupid because the defualt Kernal is 9.5.0 Vanilla..... FAIL


Second Try...


Chipset - AppleNForceATA

Kernel - 9.2.0 Sleep


Cpus =1 Fix


Results: I booted and got to the grey screen with the spinning clock deal.. Then it froze. With -v I believe my error was kext[D] or something of the sort, I wasnt recording the results at the time


Third Try


Chipset - AppleNForceATA

Kernel - 9.2.2 SSE3


Results: No love, Just reboots repeatedly


Fourth Try:


Chipset - AppleNForceATA

Kernel - 9.2.0 speedstep .... why you ask... I ask why not... and desperation@!#@!$


Resuts: yea, i didnt work


I went to




And found a patch for the nforce chipsets so hopefully that changes my luck?

Ok With the sleep Kernel I get


IOKitWaitQuiet() timed out waiting to write kernel symbols

then nothing when I try to boot regularly but when I choose to boot in SAFE MODE via -v -x


Then Huzzah.... It works. My assumption is with safe mode im not booting with device drivers (or the mac equivalent i mean?)


---- Now If I can only figure out why, I will be trying to use the patched version if iDeneb v1.3 10.5.5


Chipset - AppleNForceATA test

Kernel - 9.2.0 Sleep


Cpus =1 Fix


and if that doesnt work I will reinstall with the sleep kernel and AppleNForceATA and then begin the process of figuring out why I can boot regularly....

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