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Trying to find a way of getting 1024 x 600 (QE & CI) without having to change things in S/L/E, i failed with EFI strings & putting updated kexts in the loader. Then I came across cyclonefr's post re plist type kexts here:




I had used a driver package previous to get video sorted and noticed it changed AppleIntelGMAX3100FB.kext & AppleIntelIntegratedFrambuffer.kext so I had a go with cyclonefr's method and it worked. Basically they are plist only kext that use the binaries from your current files the same in S/L/E so theoretically future updates wont effect video.


I'm using Munky EFI boot retail method, but these should work on any boot132/chameleon setup.




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  • 6 months later...

Unfortunately no but have moved on to trying to fix in dsdt. Have graphics fix via a combination of dsdt, string and patched kext so have 10.5.6 QE / CI no artifacts. The original kexts are retained and the patched ones added so in theory I should get through upgrade to 10.5.7 no problems other than may have to patch a new set of kexts.


BTW my retail install only has 2 boot kexts (NullCPUPowerManagement & AppleDecrypt) on EFI and 3 in S/L/E (patched GMA950, framebuffer & VoodooHDA) and all but internal mic works.


Have given up on trying to fix HDA in dsdt after many, many hours (days) trying. Also same with GMA950. I think the ICH7 chipset somehow prevents some of the fixing possibilities in dsdt.

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