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I know a few people have brought up the ThinkPads in a few topics, but i couldn't seem to find a solid answer as to what the best leopard install disc to use is. I have an R61, type 7733, and i've tried the JaS 10.5.4, and Kalyway 10.5.2 and iatkos 10.5.1 discs, and have had no luck so far. If anyone has some insight into what kernels to use or anything like that, i'd really appreciate it. Ideally i'd like to get this running with QE so i could run Final Cut, but i kinda get the feeling that might be tough with integrated graphics. thanks

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a 773215M R61 Lenovo, I have iatkos v4.1i from the green ghoolie with a full 10.5.5 update.

Active ATM:


cpu scaling - speedstep

sound only works through bluetooth

eth working with an 82566M kext from a post in the networking section (T60 guide if i remember correct, or ull see it on the 1st pge)


still to go:

sound through the speakers

wifi (were all waiting for the 4965 AGN, but he's working hard)

sleep, i just cant work it out :blink:


I have boot_v8 in my linux ubuntu /boot folder (see the post ref 2 booting EFI through grub editing /boot/grub/menu.lst, cant remember where the post is??) set to boot through grub (it handles xp, ubuntu, osx for me).


so.. i install iatkos and change the install options to no boot loader, X3100 graphics, the new_speedstep, modded acpi for shutdown, battery meter, no network stuff, no sound stuff, i dont touch the kernels and click install.


enjoyment &


now you need to install kexthelper (down it on another machine and copy it over) and the ethernet kext is your next target. Install it through kexthelper, now you should have ethernet working. I think the battery meter should be working, but if it aint, check the forums, there is a way to get it working again.

  • 7 months later...

I own a 7650-E8G, and use an old iAktos 10.5.2


I select nothing except : efi8(no mbr) / vga : intel / sound : hda

25 minutes later everything work out of the box except : wifi (W3945) / ethernet / sound input / screen brightness.


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