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Hi !


I'm looking for a solution to use Gameport as Midi interface under Mac OS X 10.4.5 on my x86 station.


When I go to the Terminal and type "ioreg -l" I can see :


| +-o GAME <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0, retain count 6>

| | {

| | "IODeviceMemory" = (({"address"=513,"length"=8}))

| | "name" = <"PNPB02F">

| | "_STA" = 15

| | }

| |

| +-o MIDI <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0, retain count 6>

| | {

| | "IODeviceMemory" = (({"address"=768,"length"=2}))

| | "name" = <"PNPB006">

| | "IOInterruptControllers" = ("io-apic-0")

| | "IOInterruptSpecifiers" = (<0a00000000000000>)

| | "_STA" = 15

| | }


So, it seems to be detected successfuly. But no way to find the Midi port in "MIDI and Audio Setup", only have the "IAC Driver" and "Network driver", that's all. No "in" and no "out" when I start a sequencer when I activate the "IAC Driver".


Anyone as an idea ? it would be great !


Thanks in advance !


PS: Sorry for my english



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  • 2 months later...

any news on this? .... the only thing left 4 my rig...


maybe we could write the driver ourselves... it can't be THAT complicated... in theory we create a virtual in port in the system and we just forward the MIDI codes we receive through the port jejej.. ofcourse.. we have timings issues to take into account... :happymac:


gonna do some research...


MIDI device drivers are not I/O Kit drivers. The MIDI device driver model is based on the CFPlugIn architecture and typically loads a CFPlugIn bundle from /System/Library/Extensions or Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers.

More info in:


(1) h**p://devworld.apple.com/documentation/MusicAudio/Reference/CACoreMIDIServerRef/MIDIDriver/index.html

(2) h**p://developer.apple.com/documentation/CoreFoundation/Reference/CFPlugInRef/Reference/reference.html

(3) h**p://www.technick.net/public/code/cp_dpage.php?aiocp_dp=pinconjoy_pc_game_midi

(4) h**p://fxr.watson.org/fxr/source/drivers/input/gameport/?v=linux-


if someone is on the same boat..............

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