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I'm reading this forum for a time now and a month ago I was able to install the MacOs x86 10.4.3. But for my work I had to do a clean format and I didn't have much time, so I started with a clean hard disk. No more macos for that day on :hysterical:


Now I want macos x86 back, but I don't want to format. I know I've to make a Primary HSF+ (or type AF) partition to get it working, but how can you do that without formatting the rest of the partitions? I have Acronis Disk Director Suite, but can't find a simple way in there to make it happen. Diskpart should do it, but I don't find the correct steps to follow :)


I have a screenshot of the hard disk-situation at the moment. If somebody could help me out, I'ld be pleased and back again an maocs x86 user! Currently downloading the 10.4.5 uni dvd...



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I've tried this




list disk

- shows you your disks

select disk 0

- or whichever drive you want to use

list partition

- shows you the partitions, verify that the empty space is there

select partition 2

- or whichever you want to delete

delete partition

- now it's unallocated space

create partition primary id=af

- makes a new parititon in the unallocated space with type AF (you can add "size=XXXX" for XXXX megabytes")



But when I type the command: create partition primary id=af (or without the id=af), I get the message that it can't be created :(


Any other solution?

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Ok the diskpart worked now.


This is the situation now: http://users.telenet.be/godderie/mac2.jpg


But when I boot from the install DVD it doesn't show the partition. In disk utilities I do see the partition, and it's mac journaled. But if I make HFS+ of it, it says the all partitions will be formatted. I would loose XP also then?

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You can create 2 or more primary partitions on a same harddrive directly with Acronis Disk Director. I made this without diskpart (rightclick on a empty partition new created and select "Change" (or something else - I'm not near my computer now) and "Logical to Primary").

I have seen in other post (sorry, I can't tell you what). You must format the partition with an earlier version OSX86 10.4.1 or 10.4.3. After formatting you restart, change the DVD and install the 10.4.5.

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The steps i took, using diskpart

create primary partition with id=af

then i made it active

booted os x 10.4.4/5 myzar dvd, couldn't select any drive to install

selected disk utility, selected the partition, not the drive that i had just created and formated it, quit disk utility and now i could select a drive to install os x

worked for me..

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