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In a perfect world, technology would have a Spring Break as well. Progress might head to the Alps for some skiing while Moore’s Law took it easy on South Padre Island. Tech news knows no bounds or timeframes, however, meaning that things change after even just a few days away from the ether.


I just returned from a Spring Break vacation during which I had limited (and highly expensive!) internet access. I doubted that anything earth-shattering would happen while away – after all, how much could happen in a week?


A lot. While I was away, Microsoft announced that they would not support EFI when Vista ships. This disheartened Macintel owners the world over, who quickly got excited about BAMBIOS, which was soon mitigated by the news that XP was actually booting on their new computers, with a patch for Windows Media Center for those so inclined (for these stories, see the articles below). Whew. That’s a lot of news!


We got a few emails while I was gone saying, “I just read about _____________ on slashdot?!!?!? Why isn’t it on teh blog?” To those who were concerned, I apologize – while sHARD and the rest of the site staff did a great job keeping it humming alone, the blog wasn’t running at full steam. If you were worried, fear not. We’re still on the cutting edge.


Speaking of cutting edge, if you’re interested in helping keep our readers informed about the latest OSx86 news, drop us a note. We’re always looking for articulate and witty writers to help! Actually, we’re still looking for just one articulate and witty writer… [/self deprecating humor]

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