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I have an XFX 8600gt 512mb gddr2. How do you get it to work? I've searched this forum up and down. I have tried tons of drivers and followed lots of directions and i still can't get it to work. Device Id is:0402 Ven is 10DE. I've tried the nvidia universal install with the 512mb kext but it either leaves a black screen or inputs no signal. All the other ones dont do anything. Thanks

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I used the 8800 GTX from EFIStudio for my Gigabyte 9800 GT 512 mb PCCIe card and it seems to run OK. I see the 8600 GT in the list to so why not give it a try.


I´ve experienced videoports to be mixed up in the plist for a NVinject.kext that I used for my 7300 gs and my 6200 to so that could also be why you get a black screen. If you have your display connected to the wrong port and on top of that dual displays are not on you´d get a black screen. I mean if you have a VGA display and the first video port is set to the DVI.


If you try EFIStudio remember to clear caches in the system/library/extensions/caches folder and delete any natit or NVinject. kext you might have before you reboot. I´ve got a thread here in the graphics showing how to change display A to B and fix the NVCAP string: The NVCAP how to info I found some place but I forgot where but some´s said above here in the stickys to if I´m not misstaken.


I have a kext uploaded to this thread and it works for 7300 gs 256 mb PCIe and the 6200 256 mb AGP and probably more cards in 10.5.3 and 4 (got it from MysticusCs package). If I don´t remember wrong I set the VGA to be the first port but does´nt matter if you have a DVI to VGA adapter (I mean if you have a VGA display).




If you don´t have a OSX86 up running probably you have no use for what I say above here but maby you can borrow another videocard people say work for the time being so you have a platform to work from. But maby somebody here knows how to fix what I describe above here from Win XP but I don´t.

Good luck

I can boot with vga but not dvi. I've tried 04000000 00000100 0e000007 00000000 and 04000000 00000100 0D000000 00000007 00000000 as my nvcap string but still no luck. My graphics card has both vga and dvi. With vga closer to my motherboard.

To me this looks like your ports are set in the wrong order and that you should edit the info.plist in the kext your using by simply swapping order on the display A and B. This is the way to change from whatever config you want regarding outports at least between VGA and DVI not sore about TV out and such. Make a copy of the kext ure using and rightklick on it show contents then open the content folder rightklick on the info.plist and open with texteditor. Somewhere in the middle of the plist before the NVCAP string it should look something like this.

























This is the kext I edited and I simply edited it so it says "<string>NVDA,Display-B</string>" used to say A here. A bit down there you find the next "<string>NVDA,Display-A</string>" it used to say B here. This is the way I changed betwen DVI and VGA. But ofcourse I had to find the right NVCAP strings first and the ones you´ll find in the link below probably work for you to so it´s not sure you absolutely need that hex stuff. Just replace the lettercombinations with the ones from the link that matches your cards setup regarding outports save the plist put this kext in your extensions folder instead clear caches and reboot.




But I´d sure try out first my first suggestion if this works you don´t need any hacked kexts.

Thank you very much. I tried switching my monitor for a to b and it made both dvi and vga not work. When i reinstalled leopard i reinstalled everything and went through all the procedures you told me to use and i also used the nvcap string in the link you provided and it worked like a charm. Again I'd like to say thank you very much!!!!icon1.gif

OK I´m glad it worked for you, I´m not sure I can fully understand what you did though :D but never mind it works and that´s the important thing. Probably you had some problems with your old install cause these strangest things happends sometimes for no reason. In my case I recently bought the 9800 GT and it works like a charm in my Retail Leo 10.5.4 but not in my backup Kalys 10.5.1 for some reason. I know how to fix it but it´s to timeconsuming so I´ll leave it till I need my backup next time. OK over and out super good it work for you.

Thank you very much. I tried switching my monitor for a to b and it made both dvi and vga not work. When i reinstalled leopard i reinstalled everything and went through all the procedures you told me to use and i also used the nvcap string in the link you provided and it worked like a charm. Again I'd like to say thank you very much!!!!icon1.gif


Hi....can you please attach the modified kext? I have the same problem as you, 8600gt 512mb without DVI output.

I really like to have that DVI working with QE/CI, but haven't tried to modified the kext with NCAP string or switch display A to B string.

So, you're now using NVinject with modified NVCAP string + switch the display string from A to B as starobrno1 suggested?

What are kexts that you modified?


Are they :

1. NVinject.kext/contents/info.plist

2. NVDAResman.kext/contents/info.plist

3. NVDANV50Hal.kext/contents/info.plist


And what NVCAP string that you're using?


Thanks in advance..

Ok first i reinstalled Leopard. Installed punk92 3.0 beta. I used nvinject 2.1 or .21 i forgot all i know it has 21 in it. Then booted with my vga in (closest to my mobo). Modified NVinject nvdaresman and nvdanvhal.kext. I modiefied it by just simply putting my grfx card model 0402 behind the 10de string. For the nvcap i used this one VGA / DVI-I - BAAAAAAAAQAGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

You can also try this if the other one didn't work for you DVI-I / VGA - BAAAAAAAAwAEAAAAAAAABwAAAAA.I then deleted my cache and deleted extensions.mkext. I didn't switch my monitor like from a to b. I also did this


chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/NVDANV50Hal.kext

chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/NVDANV50Hal.kext

chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/GeForce.kext

chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/GeForce.kext

chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/NVDARESMAN.KEXT

chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/NVDARESMAN.KEXT

chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/nvinject.kext

chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/nvinject,kext


Now repair your permissions on your disk and plug in the other to dvi or the other port and it should work.

Thanks, finally i got my XFX Geforce 8600GT 512mb working with DVI output. QE/CI Supported in 1680x1050 res.

Here's step by step of what i've done (combining Krazubu's Nvidia manual install and starobrno1's way of switching A to B display string)


1. Download the latest NVinject 0.2.1 512mb from http://nvinject.free.fr/downloads.php

2. Change the NVCAP values of the NVinject.kext to 04000000 00000100 0D000000 00000007 00000000

3. Change the IOPrimaryMatch of the NVinject.kext to 040110de, and the IOProbeScore to 0

4. Switch the display string from A to B and B to A (without this it's still not working with DVI in my case)

5. Change the IOPCIMatch of NVDAResman.kext and NVDANV50Hal.kext to 040110de

6. Put all the 3 kext into System/Library/ Extensions

7. Chmod and chown all of the 3 kext, delete extensions.mkext and kext cache, repair permission

8. Delete the com.apple.boot.plist in Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration (to avoid conflict with the EFI GFX strings that i used before from EFI Studio).


All plist editing done in PlistEdit Pro.


Many thanks to Krazubu for the Nvidia manual install method, starobrno1 for the A-B switching method, TaLaCaTTack and Webster for the NVCAP string, and all other people here at insanelymac.com.

You guys ROCKS!!

  • 3 weeks later...

Okej! now I need some help from the gods here! :P

I found this thread and I can say that it has been to much help.


Now I've got Dual displays working and on full res but I can't get QE/CI to work.

The funny thing is that I've tried a bunch of NVCAP strings (and change the display A and B ) and all of them have made the same result: dual displays and full res and the VGA always the primary (I think).

the card has one DVI-connector (with VGA-adapter) and one VGA-connector wich is closest to the mobo.

so, is it supposed to be like this? shouldn't this affect what screens work and don't work?

Ofcourse I have deleted the Extensions.mkext before every reboot. Or is there some more Caches I should delete or what? (have search but couldn't really find it. (yet)


Would be thankfull for the help because now I wan't the sucker to not work so I can know what I'm doing wrong (or right) :rolleyes:


Asus P5K


4GB ram

XFX 8600GT

Hi All


perangbintang thank you for posting the mini guide!


Unfortunatelly, this wasn't enough for me to get it running on my system... I have a retail 10.5, and no matter what I do, I can't get my xfx 8600gt to work with QE+CI...


You have 10.5.4, right?


Could you please post your plists?


I couldn't find the IOPCIMatch in the NVDAResman and NVDANV50Hal...


Did you fill with these numbers exactly, or something like 0x04000000 00000100 0D000000 00000007 00000000


Plus, other guides suggested about setting IOProbeScore to 0...


sorry for being such a newbie...


Many thanks!

  • 1 year later...
Thanks, finally i got my XFX Geforce 8600GT 512mb working with DVI output. QE/CI Supported in 1680x1050 res.

Here's step by step of what i've done (combining Krazubu's Nvidia manual install and starobrno1's way of switching A to B display string)


1. Download the latest NVinject 0.2.1 512mb from http://nvinject.free.fr/downloads.php

2. Change the NVCAP values of the NVinject.kext to 04000000 00000100 0D000000 00000007 00000000

3. Change the IOPrimaryMatch of the NVinject.kext to 040110de, and the IOProbeScore to 0

4. Switch the display string from A to B and B to A (without this it's still not working with DVI in my case)

5. Change the IOPCIMatch of NVDAResman.kext and NVDANV50Hal.kext to 040110de

6. Put all the 3 kext into System/Library/ Extensions

7. Chmod and chown all of the 3 kext, delete extensions.mkext and kext cache, repair permission

8. Delete the com.apple.boot.plist in Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration (to avoid conflict with the EFI GFX strings that i used before from EFI Studio).


All plist editing done in PlistEdit Pro.


Many thanks to Krazubu for the Nvidia manual install method, starobrno1 for the A-B switching method, TaLaCaTTack and Webster for the NVCAP string, and all other people here at insanelymac.com.

You guys ROCKS!!


Hello, Please i really need help, i am new to all this Kext issue, have been a windows user for 12yrs, but really want to get into this mac world. i have Toshiba Qosmio G40, with Nvidia Geforce 8600m GT, i have SL 10.6.2 running chocolate_kernel, bootloader is Chameleon v2.0-RC4 r684. I installed NVInstaller V41, then NVKushInstaller, used Pacifist to install Leopard Graphics Update 1.0, did the repair permissions, could not find how to clear cache, then i rebooted, but lost my internal screen, plugged in an external screen (HP 1955) it came up, but i could not see anything except for a white screen with some honrizontal lines with a blinking dot. how do i get this done or return back to where i was before before the Nvidia installations. thanks

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