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I've been using a computer since 1995, and I've NEVER (really) EVER purchase a song from any online store (I bought CD's though). I have a 30 G music collection of "DRM-free" music ;)


And the question or rather, I've always wondered how it'd feel like to purchase a song on itunes.. with the "ease" and "convenience" that Apple so often talk about... (it is the No.1 Music Store in US anyways) and so I decided to get my first song.. *very reluctantly- knowing DRM will be attached to it* (although I know how to beat the DRM ;))


Yesterday I very bravely bought my FIRST song... EVER.. and felt great!! the quality is great and I don't even have to fill out the information and find the artwork of the albums.. it was a great experience.. :)


However, I don't think I'll be getting anymore songs from there :P Hahaha I prefer *old-school style* of getting my songs (CDs or Ehhhemm)

I was wondering though, how many of you actually fill up your library with "itunes" songs? or how much of your collection are legal.. Although I didn't get a lot of songs through itunes, I do buy CDs sometimes because the quality of CD is better and the CD comes with lots of goodies like the case, and the booklet.. :P I'd say 2% of my collection are legal ;)


p/s: I bought a Norah Jones: One Flight Down. (I love Jazz)

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LOL ! That's crazy thing to buy "legal" song when you had the behavior to say "Ah gosh, the sound is a bit crusty". Not almost the time because I'm not a lime :censored2: guy so... I'm a old-school kid too and I'm very liking Limp Bizkit. It sound strange but the lyrics and the message beyond make me feel woww! Anyway, I'm a big downloader too but I considered that I'm not stealing directly artist because if I very like the CD, I buy it. And believe me, I had a huge collection of CD's. I'm not able to flame the P2P but for myself, that is a good media to know more about music and new styles. And btw, DRM are the worst crappy thing the labeler introduce in the market. Such a great deal to have the power on the customer :)


Fred Durst doing that on 2000:


In late 2000, the band also stirred up some discontent by allowing the controversial peer-to-peer file-sharing network Napster to sponsor their "Back to Basics tour", advertised as a chance for fans to 'get closer to the band.

50 legal 50 pirated....


The reason i pirate music is because i support the band in other ways i prefer not to buy albums that support government funded agency and greedy corporate :censored2: holes


But then again i do love that feeling of having the album in my hand...

@ vbetts.. WOW that's actually a pretty good deal.. $15 a month for UNLIMITED music?.. what if someone downloads the whole.. like... catalog in a month? (or what if their catalog sucks :P)


Zune is pretty cool too btw.. I've seen one.. *my ipod screen seem so small when compared* :D but my ipod has a clock ;)


@ awesomo.. I salute you for having a 1:1 ratio of "legal" and "pirated" music. I share your point about greedy corporates and I highly dislike them too but that's not why I pirate.. I pirate more because ... well... I guess.. I'm pretty cheap :P hahaha

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