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I have OSX kalyway 10.5.2 on one disk and XP32PRO on another disk (not partitions, separate physical disks.).


I have searched everywhere and can't find a practical guide to dual booting with this configuration. I don't care if I use windows bootloader or darwin, I just want to be able to dual boot. right now, I have to go into BIOS and set either physical disk as primary boot drive to switch OS's, it's a pain.


any tips or links on the subject would be of great help.


I am with you man. I figured out a way to do it with chain0.gpt but as soon as I install chameleon efi the multiboot brakes. If anyone could help would be great. Dual booting Windows (i dont care which one Vista or Xp) and OSX on two separate hard drives and I think I need efi to run vanilla OS.


yeah, apparently Darwin bootloader will not work if you have 2 separate drives so I guess it would have to be chain0? what is chameleon? how did you get it to work before you installed chameleon? I tried the chain0 method before without success.



yeah, apparently Darwin bootloader will not work if you have 2 separate drives so I guess it would have to be chain0? what is chameleon? how did you get it to work before you installed chameleon? I tried the chain0 method before without success.



Somebody helped me, look back in multiboot section under " GUID OSX + XP + Chameleon EFI->how?" post #5. That works well without chameleon efi which I believe is needed to install vanilla os. Read a little about EFI in general because it is important for OSX, it works great except I just cant make it to dualboot. Noobs like us should help each other because the more advanced guys are to busy working on more important stuff.

thanks cyber and tadone. I will try those out.

paradox: I don't think F8 would help in my situation, as far as I know that's a windows boot loader command and since I have the OSX drive set as primary in the bios , it never makes it to the win bootloader, only straight to darwin. Am I missing something though, will it work that way?

paradox: I don't think F8 would help in my situation, as far as I know that's a windows boot loader command and since I have the OSX drive set as primary in the bios , it never makes it to the win bootloader, only straight to darwin. Am I missing something though, will it work that way?


paradox is right, some BIOS use F8 or F12 to select the boot drive after POST


thanks so much, post #5 and the boot0.gpt worked perfectly.


I just put the boot0.gpt file on my C:\ and pointed an option in boot.ini to it.


so if anyone else is running kalyway leo 1.5.2 on one sata drive and win xp on another, it seems this boot0.gpt method works:




thanks everyone for all your help.

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