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Boot-132, Chameleon and Drivers

NYC Coyote

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So I've been reading the forums (so please don't flame me - if there is a page I didn't see it...just post the link).


Right now I have everything installed through an initial Kalway 10.5.2 and almost everything works.


Is it possible, to make Boot-132 on a usb stick, and have it install chameleon (never used - just read about it) with all the drivers in chameleon.


Then it boots the actual Mac Leopard disc and does the install.


So from that point on you no longer need the boot-132 usb stick...just turn on the computer. It boots through chameleon which has the drivers which boots leopard.


Any ideas? And if possible anyone actually do this?

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Here's what I did with my Kalyway install. I installed Chameleon, then replaced Chamelon's /boot with the one from dfe's boot-132. Then I created the folders /Extras/Extensions and put in extensions from the generic.iso and added a couple of my own.

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That's a nice way to patch up a Kalway disc.


Although I would still love to be able to make a usb with boot-132, not only have it install a retail disc but also chameleon. And have all the kexts within chameleon itself.


To me that is the golden ticket. Just having a usb stick. Go to any computer. With an actual OS X disc and just install it. And never need the usb stick again. (granted the usb stick would need the drivers for that particular machine)

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