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I'm just trying to figure out why my 4-day-long download of "MacOSX_10.4.4DVDPATCHED_Myz.iso" just hangs when trying to install on a brand new ThinkPad T43.


It goes through the initial grey screen with the darker grey Apple logo in the middle...and then goes to the blue screen...but never continues.


Can someone point me in the right direction?


Thanks a ton.

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boot your ibm with a windows xp install CD. When you get to the disk selection part delete all partitions available so it is a blank disk with no partitions. Shutdown your computer, reboot with macos install cd.


That should work. If that still doesnt work then hook an external monitor to it while it is booting, see if that fixes it.



I made two little dongles last night. Go to Radio Shack and buy a 15 Pin Male Dsub connector $1.89. Go home and cut off the farthest poking out solder side pins (just so its not sticking out so much). Solder pins 1 & 6 together with just a glob of solder, now take a small wire and wrap it around counter clockwise from pin 2 to pin 12 and solder both points. Then cover it with electrical tape. I used some electrical tape that is more like a cloth worked good. I made two dongles incase I lost one. It will be small descrete dongle. Works fine this way and you can easily remove to attach a real monitor.



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