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I've just installed 10.4.3 version, it runs fine, but i'm very, VERY surprised with the sound in OSX, using my mobo's integrated sound card (it's a {censored} compared with the other that i have, an E-MU 0404) the sound it's MUCH BETTER than using in windows. I can't believe it!!! I did the test, rebooted in Windows XP, putted the SAME MP3 in WMP and it sounds with less stereo, less clear... i don't know how to explain it better, but it simply sound like if you have wax in your ears :pirate2: . I've just discovered that windows users doesn't know how good the sound could be... anyone has noticed this?? why windows sound engine is SO bad???


P.D: Sorry for my bad english

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Are you using iTunes? I think that it has a better Stereo Enhancement mode... :pirate2:

I used Quicktime with no EQ, enhacements or other sound tweaks, simply OS X sounds MUCH BETTER than Windows, for the tests i'm using Alesis studio monitors (flat response so i think that this is a very valid test) also, using Logic 7 in Mac OS X 10.4.3 the sound is MUCH BETTER, i can't understand why, how is possible that windows sounds in that way? Are all musicians using Windows doing ridiculous?


P.D: The hardware used in my test are exactly the same, the only change is the operating system. I've also used the same MP3 song and CD song in both tests... The difference is very easy to appreciate

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